Look over there!

        MyJokeMail         Maddox         The Cheat        Red Vs. Blue         HomeStarrunner

I'm back from Europe, and I cant sleep in, so... I'ma update the site twice, that means two new articles to read!(thats for those of you who are numerically challenged).
So you know, the usual, visit the site twice a day, read it or suffer eternal damnnation...etc. etc.
The end.


(c) Seppy inc. The above views are, in fact, Seppy's.
All things that he may have used above, were used
with permission, except when permission was implied,
not granted, or he didn't even bother to ask.

Mail Me

Why nerds need to stay at home.

Do you hate lousy drivers?

My run in with Arsh; she's clever..too clever. (Read Xanga before this article)

Suck it up.

Xanga, and why it blows.

Am I negative?

DDR, An Interesting Insight.


You knew my sight was awesome but what is a site without an award? Luckily, I've recently earned the "7th best damn web page in the Universe" award. Given out by Seppy. (for you slow ones, yes, I gave myself the award)