
(Isle of the Axe)

                   Plan of the Hall                            

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AxeHome ( Isle of the Axe) seeks good Torvaldslanders to Help build this Isle into a Home. Newbies are Most welcome


Torvaldsland legend has it that in the time of the Gods, they decided to create for themselves servants. They took out simple implements such as hoes and rakes that work the fields and poured water and earth upon them, these implements created most Men. However One God, either bored or disgruntled with His fellows, went out in the night and threw down his axe upon this he poured Paga and blood, the axe laughed immediately at the God and leapt up running away. none of the gods were able to catch the axe Man and he became the founder of Torvaldsland.


AxeHolme is located in Sankejo Realms.

Jarl Brinlar Surehand Rules Here.

A/all are welcome to R/P with U/us


A/all V/visitors to the Isle should note that only after valid R/P entry to the hall will Any further R/P be valid. Valid R/P entry is as follows;

Members, Free: 1 post to enter the Hall

members, slave: 1 Post to enter the Hall

Visiting Frees : 4 Posts to enter the Hall (All Visitors arrive By sea you land on a small wooden Dock(PD) you will be directed to climb the gully path(PD) at the GuardHouse(PD) the Guard Captain will enquire your business. The Guard will escort You to the hall door(PD) ONLY AFTER THESE 4 STAGES IS ANY R/P VALID

visiting slaves : Will be placed automatically in the circle. The Jarl or a Free of the home will decide if they may visit freely or they will be collared. (Do not come without permission)

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AxeHolme | The Law | Free Men | Free Women | Bonds Maids

Date Last Modified: 10/5/2004