Bridge Play
"I'm Sorry the Bridge Is Out, You'll Have to Spend the Night"
The story involves a combination of all the most famous of classic monsters, from Dracula to Frankenstein to the Mummy.  A spoof following a night that two unsuspecting lovers must spend in Dr. Frankenstein's castle.  Each monster has their own intentions when it comes to what will finally happen to the couple.  Hilarious songs, unforgetable  dance numbers, and a castle the has as many secret passages as monsters.
    This design was my first attempt at scenic design.  I had been intrigued by the idea of creating my own design so I found myself reading this script looking for clues and mentally visualizing the show in the completed form.  Slowly walls formed, doors opened, and I started to realize what the castle would look like.
     I had a few different versions of the design and one of the best aspects of it happened at the last minute on stage while under construction. I had had some problems with sight lines in the upstairs room.  So out of frustration we pushed the entire unit at an angle to meet the lines.  It worked.  In fact it looked great, it added a lot of depth and a great perspective/angle to my design.
Endless hours of painting, searching for just one more flat, and a touch of creativity made the show a sucess.  My first design may not have been the best in any book and did have many flaws that I wish I could go back and change but the overall process sparked something inside of me that made me want to do it all over again.
-Mummy's coffin is actually a door to backstage so actor didn't have to wait to long for entrance.
-Two trap doors, one in front of window, and one in upstairs room.
-Fireplace had a false back that Dracula made his apperance through.
-Picture above mantle had removable face for actor to peer through.