Tohoku Association
of Language Educators

TALE is designed to promote and develop the advancement of language education in the Tohoku region of Japan and beyond.

TALE works cooperatively with other organisations and local chapters (such as JALT Sendai) to provide regular meetings, seminars and workshops on language education issues.

The location for these meetings is the Aoba-ku Chuo Shimin Center (formerly the Ichibancho Shimin Center) in Sendai, Miyagi. Meetings usually run from 2.00 to 4.30PM and are held in one of the meeting rooms on the center's second floor.

For a list of upcoming TALE meetings and meeting location, please go to www.oocities.org/jaltsendai/index.html.

Those interested in presenting for TALE should contact Charles Adamson.

Click here for a list of current officers.

Click here for the TALE consitution