
133 lbs.
Ring Tailed Lemur
Sexual Orientation:
Bisexual, male pref.
Body type:
Azzy, Zara, Az, Ara

Elongated Description

Such a demure little creature. She could be characterized by her coy disposition or her adorable expression. Though, it was obvious that she was far from a bimbo. A slut, if you will. She was a tiny thing, though her height was surprising for her species. Her figure wasn't child-like but it was some what different than a grown woman's body. She had only a slight curve to her hips, and her bust, though perky, wasn't large. Rump was plump and perfectly rounded, a 6 foot tail settled just before the curve of it. Her appendages were long, but not lanky. She looked strong, but not overly so. She could only be described as a natural beauty. Hair looked as if it had been spun from a ruby's perfection, ringlets curling this way and that down between her shoulder blades, all the way to her lower back. Eyes were strangely enchanting. The bright red orbs were flecked with bits of iridescent color that shimmered through light as well as darkness. Though the pattern of her iris seemed chaotic, they had a calming effect, soothing to anyone who gazed into the orbs. White flecks moved and shifted across the ruby hues, golden droplets appearing and then dissipating across the surface, encircling the edge of her iris. She was naturally a gentle creature, every touch as light as a feather. Voice was sweet, just like her smile. With each curl to her lips, cheeks sunk inward to reveal little dimples. Teeth were pearly white, each one rounded except for her elongated canines. Words that slipped from her mouth were coated in her slight Irish accent, voice soft and sweet like sugar. She wasn't the most perfect girl in the world, but she came somewhere close.


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