
Duet ~ July, 2000


Takizawa has been extremely busy with his drama, other TV shows and magazine shooting¡K but he never gets knocked down by such his hard schedule because ¡§I love this job and I really enjoy it.¡¨ Also he says ¡§It¡¦s love power.¡¨

Takki : I think that I have been able to do pretty good job because I had nice love experiences. However, I don¡¦t have such many experiences, and also most of them were one-sided love (laugh). But when I fall in love with some one, I feel much power inside myself that I don¡¦t usually have.

Then, are you in love with someone right now?

Takki : Nope. I don¡¦t have anyone whom I like right now. Recently, I prefer to know as much things around me as possible rather than having a girlfriend. For example, I want to know what people at my age are interested in. Oh, my recent energy comes from the fact that I could sing a song ¡§Words of Love¡¨ which was written by myself. I was supposed to write it by imaging if a boy falls in love with someone¡K¡Kbut I ended up writing my own experience in the post (laugh). Telling the honest feeling of ¡§love¡¨ is really tough and bashful. But I wanted to express it in a song just briefly.

Takki : I wan once really depressed by the matter about my friends before. At that time, I just came up with the idea of writing such feelings in my note. Since then, I have been writing something that I honestly feel in my daily life. This time, I wrote a love song but I want to write songs which focus on friendship and myself. Well, I want to write the melody and Tsubasa writes the lyrics. Although I¡¦m not sure when it comes true, but this is my future dream.

You think anything in a a positive way, don¡¦t you?

Takki : I guess so¡K¡K.but on the other hand, I care about something that people are talking about, to tell the truth. Like rumor floating around my fans. I think I¡¦m simple-minded at this point. For example, there is a rumor that me and Tsubasa are friendly each other only at work, and in our private time, we hate each other. I really care about it¡K..and I want to object it like, ¡§this is not true at all!¡¨ Actually, when we worked on ¡§©Ç©_­Ñ¼Ö³¡¡¨ we often clashed with each other. We couldn¡¦t be honest each other at that time, I think. Also, we had some misunderstanding each other, and thus there was some distance between us in the past. But I think such a conflict is sometimes necessary especially for guys. We, then, tried to be honest each other, expressing anything we felt. Because of it, we could get over our long-time conflicts and became ¡§real¡¨ best friends now.
