Yo, Snorty McYak here.
Sup?  My name is Snorty and I live at The Mandafesto.  Lately I've been soul searching and have finally found a place to call my own.  Here I can express my thoughts, strut my stuff, and live happily in my own filth.
The Hizee on me:
I am indeed male.  IYou can't tell from the pic, but believe me.  VERY MALE.
My favorite food is grass, but I also enjoy a steak every now and then.
I am single and looking for someone who likes to "graze" if you know what I mean.
My butt looks really huge in this picture.  Ugh.
I have no middle name but the last name is Irish.
Note to all humans:
Don't ask me to do stupid pet tricks, such as "making yak sounds" or "impaling my little brother in the ass with your horns."  I will, however, link to your site or give a yak-out to your mom.  So ask.
My Peeps:
Yaks in Training
Where I Work
Yak Religion
- nice hooves

- dumps like a truck

- Manda
(*ed. note: aww, thanks, Snorty!)

- long trots on the beach

- your mom

- short horns

- Texas

- bad yak breath

Click on this neato self-portrait I drew to email me and get the wisdom of the yak.
Snorty's little sister, Snortella.  She currently resides in Texas.
Snorty as a baby.  Come on now, it's aderber.
Snorty's 21st birthday party.  He claims he doesn't know the woman up on his ass.
Cousin Yakko
My ex, Yakelda
Tragedy has struck the quiet world of Snorty.  Click here to see an article straight from a respected Milwaukee press source...and cry with me.