STRAIGHT FROM MY BRAIN TO YOUR HEART...definitely not the straightest line between two points
Random Phat Linkage:
Emily Dickinson
Edna St. Vincent Millay

Laugh So Hard You Fart

Ever wondered how good writers do it?  Well, go ASK them!  Interviewing or writing a fan letter to someone you admire is a great way to get feedback on your own talents as well as make someone's day!
Email me, you shameless bastards. :)
Tip O' The Day:
**Ed. Note: The Mandadesto is going to try some fiction.  You make fun of it, whatever.  I'll kick your ass.
       He touched her exactly the way she'd always dreamed of those nights she wasted away.  The slow pressure of his fingers up and down her back relaxed her in a way the nail digging never could.  They sighed, both of them, for different reasons.  She made sure not to open her eyes for fear that she'd see past evils even in his innocence.
        I should leave, she decided, then stayed because his grip made her shiver.  Then she was cold, and he tucked her into a white down comforter.  Slow country music drawled out of the radio and she wondered what it would be like to kiss someone without screaming in the background.
        There was no way out, and she didn't really want to leave anyway.  He gathered her up, nestled chest to chest and they felt each other breathe.  More than anything, she wanted to fall asleep, but her mind wouldn't rest in disbelief that when she woke up, her eyes would not be clouded with tears.
        The next morning, he squeezed her to wake her, gently.
"Your solitude is welcome, welcome...your attitude is welcome,"

--Alien Ant Farm--
<<dAys LiKE mE>>
finally the weather reflects my mood!
            for weeks I've stormed through sunshine
     rained inside light-streaked rooms
                  shivered amongst sweltering warmth
but today! ideal!
            puddles splash up and freeze my feet
     wind tangles hair damp from the mist
                  clouds rough up my cheeks to ruddiness
                                                                and it is me--
                             cold inside and out.
"I want him to regret his whole life since the day he met you...yes I do."
