STRAIGHT FROM MY BRAIN TO YOUR HEART...hope your esophagus can keep it all down.
Excerpts from my favorite book - Rich Man, Poor Man by Irwin Shaw:

"'Kate, every time I make love to you, I forget one more bad thing in my life.'  A moment later he could feel her tears on his shoulders."

"You're unnatural."  "Why?"  "Because you don't ogle."  "I ogle you."  "Keep it up."
Random Phat LInkage:
A Band You Already Love
Don't You Wish You Were Me?
Meet My Husband
See, I'm really not kidding about this email thing.  Do it now, I'm sick of reading my own damn crap.
Email me!
Tip O' The Day:
Write humor once in a while to spice things up and explore a side of your literary prowess you may never have known you had.  Sometimes you'll love it, sometimes you'll fail, but you'll always get a good laugh!
<<sO yOu'Re HiM>>
How long can we keep this secret?  Naughty
nightly goings-on.  Adrenaline keeps
closed eyes open, inching closer every
time. Crushing rushing screams into shallow peeps
pumps our hearts to skip a beat. Open minds
behind closed doors, first times a recurring
theme. How on dateless nights and days were we blind
to lustful easy nothings? Once blurring
smears each experience I promise I
will stop. (Unless each petal forms into
a rose, then I may keep it alive.) Why
ruin the only sure thing I can do?
    It will be over like all things must be,
    filed into memories of you and me.
Shakespearian sonnet, iambic pentameter
"I'll take what I can get from you...but if no more is in you for me, nowhere...I'll find somebody else."
--DMB, #40--
Mo' betta meatty meat quote:
<<hOLd On>>
my hair tangles only with you
so soft before you came around
brushed out smooth for hours before I see
you smiling knowing the hands about to
touch it always look at me and laugh back
never minding the pulls because it means I
know you're there working hard at my
pain worsening what's already too knotted
easy to fix with my own hands
pick up the comb to erase a trace of you
don't let me let you stop enjoying the
challenge every second a new little snarl
I love the grip you have on me.
Looks like Tahoe...ah Tahoe.
**A quick self-plug: I am featured in the June 2001 issue of the Blender of Love Digest under the pen name (key name?) TaintedOne...check it out y'all.**