Uh oh - It's another crazy page from the brain of Manda!  The point of this one is basically to show off a little bit of the poetry I work on from time to time.  If you ever doubt for a second that I have a heart somewhere in here, maybe this will make you think differently..
Better Than Mine:
My Favorite Female Poet
Want your poem on parade?  I'll print just email it on it to Manda!
Email me!
Tip O' the Day:
For beginning poets, sometimes form can help.  Try choosing a poetry form that you can work with (haiku, cinquain, sonnet) and go from there...sometimes constraint actually helps the ideas flow!
pOeM oF tHe DaY
and that time in the car I was stressing -
you laughed but helped me with a story.  how
is it that we think alike?  while messing
up your hair i realize "good lord wow
how right and wrong we are."  so sweet to me
when you kiss my sore ear and ask me what i want
from you.  basically it's easy - to see
your chest when i wake up.  know that i can't
start days without wondering where you are
or end them without touching you.  sometimes
we're drunk and i think your feelings are far
from mine, but then these days what isn't a lie?
      thinking of home and you on my couch
      god - how knowing you has turned my inside out.
"From Me" by Manda (sonnet)
and every tree come back in spring/after a winter's harassment of biting cold/still blooming/as if it forgot the winds that once froze its buds/in wake of their now warm gentle caress/oh, to be green again/reward enough for months of naked branches/glistening but dulled under muddy snow/yearning for the sun to deny the air and melt it into growth again/a tree so perfect/once and never and always returns/
"Return" by Manda (freewrite form)
If you think this sucks, click the whimsical swirly thing to head back to The Mandafesto.
The next couple of freewrite poems are from Jess, my Lil Sis.  Everyone read and enjoy! -manda
5/00 My heart becomes swollen hearing the sound of you on the other line.  My pulse quickens and stomach is tense as you brush your arm past mine reaching for something.  You gently connect to me through a single path of energy as our fingertips become entangled and I stare at you alternating my attention from your eyes to lips wanting only for you to hold me with warmth and care...arms stretched over me like a blanket I in turn cradle you like my finest treasure.
6/2/00 The scent of rain seeping into the asphalt fills my nose with a bittersweet sensation.  I enter your domain and glide smoothly past the others and find myself standing at your door.  The noise I hear from inside commences my pulse to rapidly quicken and I tremble as I strain, listening to you coming nearer and nearer through the overpowering music and barrier that the wall presents.  As you open the door I feel at ease again; still I can't seem to remove my eyes from your face.  I am here and that's all that matters.