Dear Buddies:

Last night was one of the drunkest in a long time.  I spent a lot of it on the floor.  I spent a lot of it in motion.  But mostly, I spent it all with my best friends in the world and for that I am grateful.

Perhaps I am developing a crush on a young gent I live more on that until I decide how I feel about it.  Ol' Dustin, by the way, sure does know how to cheat on someone.  He's just a pro.

Not too much else, getting off work early today and going to Saddle Ranch and a BBQ restaurant this weekend.  Wow I have cool plans.  Anyone for some shuffleboard?


Mood of the day (hung over, AGAIN)

Weather in L.A. out my office window

July 20, 2001
The Future
Word to your brother's mother...
It's a beautiful day.  Don't let it get away.
Deep in the heart of...Hollywood.
Dear Buddies:

As it were, we ended up at ol' faithful Miyagi's as opposed to Saddle Ranch because of guaranteed fun.  Verdict: free shots, no cardage, and HOT bartenders.  Despite my newly acquired $70 debt, a fun drunken eve had by all.

On another note, I want my roommate to know I love her and hope she feels better and Lisamann to know I miss her and hope she had a good time...see ya at the mad phat pool party on Saturday babe!!

Last thing, I hope my printer gets killed by a sniper.  Stupid piece of shit can't print for crap, can you ONLY understand LETTER size paper, bastard?  THERE ARE OTHER SIZES OF PAPER!  Why can't you print them?  Hewlett Packard is gonna hear it from me.


Mood of the day (unexplainably anxious)

Weather in L.A. out my office window

Wax on, wax off.
It's a beautiful day.  Don't let it get away.
July 23, 2001