to all you hatas and you bustas...
previous day's entry July 10, 2001 next day's entry
Dear Buddies:

Yeah so again my life is boring and I choose to bore you with it.  Eh.  I actually am getting my bellybutton ring changed today, I've said it before, but this time fo shizo.  It's a cute little dangly thing, looks kinda Indian.  Whatever.

Besides that shocking news, I am going to a movie with my friend Matt tonite, we are going to see crazy/beautiful which I hear blows (thanks Ken) but can't resist anyway.  Too damn bad.

GOD I HAVE NO LIFE, I'll try and spice things up for you tomorrow...


Mood of the day (bored, broke)

Weather in a Chicago suburb out my mom's window
July 12, 2001
Dear Buddies:

On a personal note, Manda is having some issues.  Damn boys.  I swear to God, you cross the damn country and STILL there are boy issues.  Anyhoo.

I got my hair cut yesterday, wow I am cool.  Hopefully tonight will bring a bit of the drinky drink with Matt and Ken (and if Matt's parents are reading this, of course I mean drinky drink...POP) so that will be a nice change.  I feel as though I am slowly becoming less of an alcoholic...oh GOD no!

For all those interested, I'll be back in LA Saturday nite, eager to pimp with the homies.  I'm going on a boat tomorrow that's phat.  And my Dad's band is playing a gig, also quite sweet.  So there we go.  More news lata--


Mood of the day (big pimpin)

Weather in B-town out my mommy's window