the saga continues...
June 14, 2001
Dear Buddies:

Today has been most uneventful, I must admit.  The big news is that we have an addition to the poetry page, so click on the main page link to check out dat shizit.

Tonight is a housewarming party for my friend Jess and her roommate, so that should be really sweet! 

Man I have no life.  I really want to see the band Swerve in Hermosa on Friday, but I don't know if I can rope anyone into it.  Do we have any Swerve fans up in the hood?  Huh???

Okay I'm done.


Mood of the day (happy and rested)

Weather in LA out my office window

Punk rules yet again
June 15, 2001
Dear Buddies:

Last night's party was pretty cool, I must say.  It's so nice to get together with friends you haven't seen in a while and remember why you like 'em so damn much. (Tear)

So no surgeries today, but I just had to wrangle myself out of going to see cadavers (yes...dead people) for pharmaceutical purposes.  Hi that's morbid, how ya doin?

Anyhoo, I'd like to publicly announce that a) my tattoo is completely healed and 2) I am finally changing the infamous Playboy belly ring this weekend since we've hit the 6 month point on that guy.  Lata.


Mood of the day (on cloud nine, wink wink)

Weather in L.A. outside my office window