::welcome to the first mailing list of Houshin Engi in English::

This mailing list is for people who like houshin engi or just want to find out more about it. In this list, you can talk to other people who also like houshin engi.  you may post messages, pictures , fanart , fanfiction and music files.  You can also ask questions about the series and maybe get an answer from someone who knows!! Please join this mailing list!! It is alot of fun!!

::Mahalo and Aloha::

:: Houshin Engi Summary ::
An evil fox spirit named So Dakki is trying to take over the Yin Dynasty.  She used a spell called Temptation on the Emporer Chuou and is controlling the dynasty through him.  A young man named Taikoubou is called to take on the Houshin Project.  He is givin a Dashinben and a list of sennin to destroy.  Can he finish the list and end Dakki's rule over the falling dynasty?