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The gate slowly split apart down the middle and swung open, not without the rickety, telltale sign of exertion. Standing inside the gate was a tall, square-jawed giant, whose tanned-skin was inadequately stretched over plates of muscles, broad shoulders reminiscent of the rhinoceros. His scalp was naked save for a short ponytail and the rest of him was naked save for a loincloth.

“Well, hello there,” appraised Nina with amorous eyes, clearly pleased at the visage of one whose hard body complimented her own soft curves.

“Feel free to roll your tongue back up,” was the culmination of Helmut’s own observation.

"Leave now, foreigners, there is nothing for you here."

The declaration was short and to the point; unfortunately it was not what they wanted to hear.

"Are you sure ?” asked Nina, voice deepening and movements growing subtle. “We need a place to stay for the day,” she pled no higher than a lyrical whisper, “and it’s obvious that, given your strong and noble hands, our fates can be entrusted to you for this moment… Kya~!" Nina tripped, or so she wanted him to think, toppling into his chest. “Oh my, I almost fell out of my top,” she noted with mock-concern, exposing her cleavage with deft manipulation of the bleached animal skin that she wore. “So what do you say ?”

"We do not want foreigners in our village," was the behemoth’s red-faced reply.

"Aw, leave them alone, Wynf," spoke a younger man, less impressive in stature. He looked to be about Helmut's age and had a long dark blond ponytail and was wearing a jacket, gloves, boots and pants composed of animal hide and twine of varying kinds. In contrast to Wynf, his skin was lighter and his attitude was carefree. “You giving women and children the whole sentry bit now ?”

Nina found herself gently pushed away as Wynf’s long shadow consumed the grinning youth.

"Hold your tongue, boy. You more than anyone should not question our laws."

This threat only made the grin broaden to near Cheshire proportions. "Speaking of laws," he mused. “I believe you owe me a life debt for saving your hide during a Meadow Hunt, right ?”

Wynf snorted. “We are even,” growled, storming past the youth and taking a fair amount of the onlookers with him.

"Thanks," Helmut began, offering his hand. “Uh…?”

"Sparrow; and this is the village of Panawai. Don't mind Wynf, he’s always overcompensating for something or other."

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