°•°Naughty and Nice Editors°•°
Looking for a way to get you list name around?  A place with several avenues of gaining new members?  Naughty and Nice Editors is list for you!  We are an editors list with open trading as well as ad pages that will go out every two weeks.  We also have webpages advertising your list.   List Leaders AND Owners are welcome!
Send Me A Disclaimer!
Naughty and Nice Editors is owner and operated by Naughty and Nice, INC.

§° Personal Touch Tags °§°
We are a Tag group just for you!
Our staff creates and sends sample tags and List headers/sets during the week for YOU to decide what YOU want.
There are NO  Updates for you to open. 
You will only get mail from staff members
Requests can be made for any text you wish to have added to a tag/set.
Rated G-OMG.  Must be 21 to join.
I Want The Personal Touch 
We are in need of staff members.  If you are serious and able to send sample tags 3 or 4 times a week, click the link for details!  You must have PSP or some other paint program capability.  When clicking the link, please include 1 sample tag made by YOU. 
I wanna Give The Personal Touch!

Variety Ads
This is a list for List Leaders and Owners and Ads managers only.
No trading of ads, i collect all ads 2 times a month, then sent to you to forward to your list/lists.
All mail comes from me only
If this sounds like a list for you then come on and join

I Want To Join Variety Ads

Variety Tagz 4 List Leaders
This is a list for List Leaders/Managers/Owners ONLY.
Dont have time to make Update header tagz? Then this is the list for you.
We send out samples for you to choose from.
Need Header Tagz for your updates?
Then come on and join we do all the work for you.

I Want To Join Variety Tagz 4 List Leaders

Editors Underground
For online editors only.
Closed list generating low volume mailings.
Group discussions held each week
An elected council of veteran editors to assist all members.
Advertisements exchanged only once a month.
¦Add Me To Editors Underground¦
Owned & Operated by: Bad Girlz Inc.

AngelzWithRosez Adz**For List Leaders/Ads Managers Only
Here you Can Advertise for Your Lists When you Want and How Much
  you want!
  Totally Up to you! Delete the mail that you don't want,
  Open the mail you wish too. This will be a Very Open Trading Adz List with
  Very Few Rules
Because Lets Face It   We all Run Lists and we don't need 
  the Extra Bull!
So come On and get Started Trading Ads with Us! We
  will Also be Header Offering Sets
  for You to choose from Weekly!  If you are not  interested in that Delete 
  what you Wish.

*Closed on the weekends *
~Own and Operate by RedRosesnLaces Inc.  ~

(―`©·΄―`·­>©T&T Ad's©<­·΄―`·©΄―)
For List Leader's & Owner's Only
We Ask All Member's To Add Our Webpage
Link To All Your Update's.
Exchange Ad's According To The First
Letter Of Your Screenname You Will Be
Able To Send Ad's Once A Week.
No Yahoo & Hotmail Allowed.

Click Here To Join ~I Wanna Join~

(―`©·΄―`·­>©T&T Ad's©<­·΄―`·©΄―)

Editors Website
A website for groups that want to advertise but not deal
with more forwarding to their own lists, ad updates, and
keeping track of spotlight ads. I have a website that I'll
place your ads on and all you have to do in return is run
the link to your website in your update daily! That's it!
Nothing to deal with but the new members that join your
list(s). I do all the rest for you! You only need to contact
me if you have an ad change, update or wish to no longer
advertise with me! If this sounds like your type of
advertising, click on the link and send me your ad!
I place ads on the site once a week so you're sure to
get noticed soon!! Can't wait to see your ad!! :)
Visit My Website:
  Editors Webpage  or

Mischief's Playground Editors
Opening August 1st, 2002

Looking for a no muss no fuss Editors List?
MPE is the place for you.
All mail comes from the list owner,
All ads are prepared for you,
Ad links sent once a week at a minimum for trading.
It couldn't get any easier!

I wanna advertise with the Playground

Updates N Help Wanteds
4 List Leaders

Helping Editors Lead Productively
Need Staff? Need Update Sets? Need sends to FWD to your list? Come join Updates N Help Wanteds 4 List Leaders! We are here to help you with all your editor needs.
Help Wanteds~Go Out Every Friday so you can fwd to your list!
Update Sets~At Least 2 a day! Never worry about
waiting for your next update set or what set your  going to use next with at least 2 a day, You will be stocked up forever!
Need sends to fwd to your list? We urge everyone
on the list to please Send us Pages Programs,
Links and what not for other leaders to FWD to their list! Thats not at all, we answer questions and have a group topic, and for extra advertisement for you,
we use Trusted United Managers webpage, and you can join the rings, add your ads to the website and even post your classified ad, by doing this the members of TUM are advertising for you also!! Come Join us before you regret it!
I want to join Updates N Help Wanteds!

**Trusted United Managers**
Calling all  List Owners, List Managers, Advertisers and even Asst.Leaders! Trade Ads and Help Wanted Ads!
Even if you are just starting out, we are calling you to join us now!
If you need help with disclaimers, tags, links, or just general questions.
This list love's to help each other in every way possible!
So Come and Join Us and Have some fun!!

I want to join Trusted United Managers

The Creative Edge
This is a closed list for list leaders only.  We will send out sample "header" tags that we create and you can request them for  your list/lists.  Mail will vary depending on how many tags we make at any given time.  We will require having your ad/adssent to us to help us in making the appropriate type of tags for your list.Be aware that some sends will have adult material for lists of that kind.
Click the link above for more info.

A Division Of Devilish Halos©
For List Owners/Leaders &List Ad Managers ONLY
Let us help build your membership.
We will have a rotating collecting schedule: 
One week will  be for ALL ads and, the next,
will be for ALL Help Wanted/New List Ads.
Need Headers for your lists?
We offer special list creations just for our members.
Come with your AD...to the list with the
of getting
I Want Members With AD-I-TUDE!

Treasure Trove For PSP Editors
An Editors list without the hassle of advertising!
We're a one stop shop for PSP List Leaders.
We supply Update sets, advice, ad writing, member help
and anything psp related that you may need.
This is a closed list mailing daily including requests filled on weekends.
Come check us out, let us help you enhance your PSP List Leading experience!
Click here to get a disclaimer

PurplePassion's *~Love Thoes Header Sets You Seen
But Cant Make Them And Love To Have Them 4 Your List Well
You Came To The Right Place Join Today And Get Thoes
Wonderful Header Sets Of Your Own 4 Your List/s ~
  *Closed on the weekends *
~Own and Operate by RedRosesnLaces Inc. 

<>•<>•Editors Exclusive Ads•<>•<>
An  Editors list for List Owners/Leaders, & Ad Managers ONLY!!!
Tired of getting and having to sort through dozens of single ads?
Ads will be collected twice a month, sorted and sent to you in pages all ready to forward to your lists.  No having to copy & paste pages that are too long.
Ads are sent as you want them to be seen.  Graphics & faders allowed!
Your Ad will be sent to thousands of List Members!
Open forum available for problems and advice on running a list.
Our goal is to help you get new members and advertise for you :0)

Please sign me up for Editors Exclusive Ads

(A Beyond Reality List~Owned by SheWhoIs2bObeyed & Unfathomed King)

~AngelZ CreationZ 4 LeaderZ~
List For List Leaders Only! Must Own A List To Join.
Headers &Sets Made By Me And Taggers Only.
Must Be 18 &Older To Join. AC &Cutsie Is Sent.
I Want To Join AngelZ CreationZ 4 LeaderZ

•··•··•··•··• Snazzy~Jazzy Designz •··•··•··•··•

LQQKin for a GREAT List Leader list??
LQQKin for the *variety* of update tags to suit all tastes??
LQQKin for a *closed* list, where YOU only get mail from the list leaders??

This is a list that makes Snazzy Jazzy Update sets for YOUR list....
Headers/Dividers included!!!

List Owners/Managers/Staff ONLY please!!!

For more info:
  Click Here

•··•··•··•··• Snazzy~Jazzy Designz •··•··•··•··•