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There is a hierarchy of angels, which was developed through a natural process
of love and light through God/Goddess. The Archangels were created and gifted
with a tremendous burst of life-force energy. Each Archangel has a specific
mission, which is engaged upon with absolute passion, perseverance and
unwavering devotion. Our spiritual destiny and the fulfillment of our divine life
purpose, is their primary focus. Each Archangel transmits a unique quality and
energy, which is focused upon our spiritual growth. Archangels have sent
fragments of themselves to stand by and guide many humans. If you feel that your
divine life mission matches one or many of the qualities of these Archangels, you
can be sure that you are working with their energy. In addition, you can call
upon any of the Archangels and they will rush to your side to assist you in any
of life's challenges. They are not constrained by time or space, so they are
able to be with everyone simultaneously. You do not need to worry about
"taking them away from something more important." They are excited and eager to work
with you and assist you along your journey.
Archangel Michael

he Angel of Protection - This powerful being of light, who's name means "Who
is Like God," has a purpose to protect as the "defender of the light and
goodness." Along with "The Band of Mercy," this awesome entity will take
negatively-minded people (both living and deceased) to the Light of God so that their
negativity can be healed. Call upon Michael to assist you whenever you feel the
presence of negative sources. He can clear negative energy from any space
(including your home, office, mind and heart.) This beautiful Archangel is the
protector of Joy and Harmony and joins you instantly at your beck and call.
Archangel Jophiel

The Angel of Creative Power - This awesome light teaches our consciousness to
discover the creative force within. Divine ideas begin to manifest as his
energy merges with your own beautiful divine essence. Jophiel coordinates with a
team of powerful, creativity angels to see each vision through to physical
manifestation. Call upon Jophiel to fill you with the perfect vision of your
highest desires. Welcome and accept the vision with gratitude and then be sure to
take action - The Angels will help you through the entire process.
Archangel Chamuel

The Angel of Adoration - Chamuel, which means "he who seeks God," anchors the
essence of adoration from the Goddess/God, to fill you with self-love and
appreciation for all of the gifts in life. To experience adoration for all of
life, you must experience all that life has to offer, even the lessons and your
feelings about those lessons. True feelings are not to be suppressed, but
expressed. Welcome opportunities to express all of your feelings in a safe,
personal, and appropriate way. Invite Chamuel to cloak you in the bliss of
adoration and he will respond. Chamuel will fill you with feelings of Self-Love and
adoration for all that is. Share this essence with others and watch as loved
ones light up when adored. God adores you, your angels adore you, please allow
Chamuel to help YOU adore you and all of life's gifts!
Archangel Gabriel

The Angel of Resurrection - This loving angel who’s name means "hero of God,"
is the bearer of GOOD NEWS as the voice of the Goddess/God. This archangel is
a messenger who whispers in our ear of coming events, changes, and
opportunities for new experiences. This beautiful Angel restores life and light into
stale areas of your life such as relationships, businesses, households, etc. Ask
Gabriel to resurrect any blocked areas of your life and fill you with the
remembrance of your divine purpose and destiny. You will receive creative ideas
and opportunities to help you get moving again.
Archangel Raphael

The Angel of Healing - Raphael, who's name means "God Heals," is charged with
the healing of our beloved Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. He begins
with purifying our minds and erasing false beliefs. It is our thoughts that
trigger health problems, not our body. All healing facilities and practitioners
(both traditional and alternative) are guided and helped by Raphael. Your
call upon Archangel Raphael invokes his presence to clear blocks within the
energy body so that the flow of universal life-force energy can heal both the cause
of the block and its physical manifestation. Health and vitality are your
natural state of being. Your symptoms give clues to help you find causes of
imbalance. Ask Raphael to guide you with clarity and love in your process of
healing and feel free to invoke him for the healing of others as well.
Archangel Uriel

The Angel of Ministration & Peace - This archangel who's name means "light of
God," brings divine light into our lives as he transforms painful memories
and restores peace to our past. He helps turn our worst disappointments into our
greatest blessings. Uriel assists us in releasing unforgiveness and
resentment. Uriel and his legions enfold us in waves of peace when we cry out to him.
Sometimes it takes the death of our most cherished dreams in the form of an
unpleasant experience in order to realize the birth of new life, understanding,
and opportunity. Uriel's goal is to assist you in anchoring yourself in love
that is strong enough to withstand negativity. Invite his essence into your
life to assist you in becoming a master of your energies.
Archangel Zadkiel

The Angel of Prayer & Affirmation - This awesome archangel guards the powers
of invocation and affirmation, which are the essences of prayer. He responds
to the deepest call from your heart and encourages you to intensify this energy
through your desire. The art of prayer and affirmation is simply conversation
with God/Goddess which affirms are own personal power and connection to the
creative power of the Goddess/God. Zadkiel helps remind us to open our hearts
and minds in gratitude to receive the presence and power of the Universe. No
prayer goes unanswered. Call upon Archangel Zadkiel to help you be aware and
listen for the answer. Zadkiel reminds you to pray and affirm with faith the
power of your connection with God/Goddess.
Archangel Ramaela

The Angel of Joy - This beautiful being of light reminds us that Joy is the
nourishment for the soul. Joy is not something to be acquired, but rather a
natural state of being and to be found deep within. Ramaela reminds us that this
state of awareness has to do with attitude. Joyfulness is invigorating and
creative, naturally attuning you with the essence of the angels. Invite Ramaela
to assist you in discovering your own inner joy and share it with others as the
energy of joy transforms our life.
Archangel Mihr

The Angel of Relationships - This archangel watches over all relationships
including family, business, friends, and lovers. As a social architect, Mihr's
job is to bring people together to combine their gifts and passions to assist
Mother Earth in her progressive evolution. Mihr is the Angel to invoke to bring
assistance to your current relationships. You can also call upon this
archangel to help you attract others of like mind, who are on a similar path as
yourself to enter your life and live in harmony.
Archangel Israfel

The Angel of Music - This powerful angel and his legions embody the creative
word of God/Goddess through songs from the heart. Think of a time when you
heard music that was so powerful and beautiful that you were touched deeply by
its vibration. Archangel Israfel was there, opening your heart through sound.
Music and sound are vibration, which is a powerful tool for transformation
through the higher self. Allow the magic of music to move you into dance and
celebration of who you truly are. Call upon Israfel to invoke the sound of God
through the vibration of music as you listen to the songs of angels.
Archangel Meditron

he Angel of Thought - This archangel manages special etheric archives called
Akashic Records where all of our thoughts and actions are recorded upon a
highly sensitized screen of mental essence. It is through these records that our
attitudes and thoughts perpetually create our current life experiences as well
as our future ones. Your innermost thoughts create your outer reality through
magnetic attraction. Call upon Meditron to help you seek the cause of
negative thoughts, notice how they reflect in your life, and clear them out.
Archangel Shushienae

The Angel of Purity - This loving being of light has a mission to purify our
body, mind and spirit. When it appears that you are surrounded by emotional,
mental, and physical pollution caused by negative thought patterns, or an
unhealthful lifestyle, call upon Shushienae to help you achieve purity by infusing
you with her gentle, cleansing energy of love. As you accept her assistance,
and you purify your mind, body, and spirit, your vibratory rate will rise, as
will the frequency of Mother Earth. This state of being makes communing with
God, the angels, and all higher realms much easier and clearer as well as
contributing to the purification of our planet.
Archangel Ariel

The Angel of Nature - This beautiful being of light supervises the realm of
earthly angels that are sometimes referred to as the mythical creates we call
fairies, elves, leprechauns, etc. These so-called mythical creates are very
real beings of light known as the Earth Angels. Ariel assists the human realm
to communicate and connect with the realm of Earth Angels. Ariel and her
legion of Earth Angels can help us to understand the natural rhythms of the earth
and experience the magic and healing properties of the trees, flowers, rocks
and soil. The Earth Angels dwell in every blade of grass, every flower pedal,
every drop of water - all areas of nature. These magical beings actually make
their homes in mushrooms! So, please be mindful of this! Would you want a
lawn mower tearing down your home? Would you want someone stepping all over
where you live? Ask Archangel Ariel to help you connect with the realm of Earth
Angels and build a relationship of harmony and balance.
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