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Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette and her children
Marie Antoinette's Gallery
Narrative of Marie-Therese de France
(written in the Temple)
The Death of the King
The Death of the Queen
The Death of the Dauphin
A brief sketch of  her life
A brief analysis by C.A.Sainte-Beuve
The life of Marie Antoinette - a brief story
Duchesse d'Angouleme
Songs of the French Revolution
"Marie Antoinette was neither the great saint of royalism nor yet the great whore of the Revolution, but a mediocre, an average woman; not exceptionally able nor yet exceptionally foolish; neither fire nor ice; devoid of any vigorous wish to do good and of the remotest inclinantion to do evil; the average woman of yesterday, today and tomorrow; lacking impulse towards the daimonic, uninspired by the will to heroism, and therefore (one might fancy) unsuited to be the heroine of a tragedy." - Stefan Zweig
Marie Antoinette