"Specialty Speeches" Advanced Manual


Speech title




Speak Off The Cuff

Develop an awareness of situations in which you might be called upon to deliver an impromptu speech.
Understand how to prepare for impromptu speaking.
Develop skill as a speaker in the impromptu situation by using one or more patterns to approach a topic under discussion; for example, comparing a past, present, future situation or before and after.

5-7 minutes


Uplift The Spirit

Identify and understand the basic differences and similarities between inspirational speeches and other kind of speeches.
Learn how to evaluate audience feeling and establish emotional rapport.
Develop a speech style and delivery that effectively expresses inspirational content by moving the audience to adopt your views.

8-10 minutes


Sell A Product

Understand the relationship of sales technique to persuasion.
Skillfully use the four steps in a sales presentation: attention, interest, desire, action.
Identify and promote a unique selling proposition in a sales presentation.

Be able to handle objections and close a prospective buyer.

10-12 minutes


Read Out Loud

Arrive at an understanding of the elements that comprise oral interpretation and how it differs from preparing and giving a speech.
Learn the preparation or planning techniques of effective interpretation.
Learn the principles of presentation and develop skill in interpretive reading with regard to voice and body as instruments of communication.

12-15 minutes


Introduce The Speaker

Focus on the special occasion talk from the standpoint of the introducer (function chairman, toastmaster, master of ceremonies).
Become knowledgeable and skilled in the functions associated with the master of ceremonies.
Handle the introduction of other speaker at a club meeting.

Duration of a club meeting

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