I don't make resolutions anymore. I prefer to call them aspirations.
I decided to share mine with you this year. This will also help me stay connected to them.

I want to...

In 2002

1. Surrender all to God
2. Encourage God’s children
3. Live joyfully

Live by Grace

Top 11 Aspirations
1. Extend Grace to all those I meet, including myself, remembering God’s grace to me
2. Encourage my children, looking for talents and good actions rather than criticizing
3. Read and do Fascinating Womanhood
4. Listen to my body for exercise, nutrition, and energy needs
5. Extend grace to family members, forgive and accept them. Call them once a month at least.
6. Encourage all my friends in their dreams
7. Change my attitude towards homemaking to be love in action and practicing the presence of God
8. Add time before and after appointments so I am not always rushing. Live a slower and more graceful pace
9. Write 15 minutes a day without worrying about publishing
10. Awaken the artist within
11. Buy less to pay down our debt and save

Background by Debbie's Graphics
