Menu Planning Links

Here are some links designed to help you plan your meals.

Kitchenlink has tons of recipes and has a menu plan at Surf for your Supper

Betty Crocker has several different weekly menu plans like gourmet, kids and fast (my favorite).

Meal for You Huge assortment of recipes, menu plans like international, lighter fare and vegetarian plus a grocery list maker

Cook Ahead Meal Plan from Cook on the weekend, eat for a week

12 weeks of menu plans to help you lose weight from Cyberdiet

Spa Menu Plans from

Diet Menu Plans from Good Morning America

Seasonal Menu Plans and recipes

Menu plan with allergies to wheat and dairy

Never Diet Again two weeks worth of menus to help you lose weight

Side dish ideas from Rice a Roni

Printable grocery list from Digital Women I love this because all you do is print it, check off what you need then add to it if you have to

Another printable grocery list Shopping List software Free download

Grocery List maker Online, point and click

Meal Planning with Excel let your computer count calories, etc for you

Meal Planning for Diabetes

OAMC Once a Month Cooking

No Fail Formula for meal planning for busy cooks from Pillsbury

Home Arts Recipe Finder by ingredient, prep time or calories

Menu Planning Quiz

I would love to post some more of your own menu plans or menu planning ideas. Email me at

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