Laundry Management

Laundry seems to be a problem for most of us. Mainly because it never stops. I prefer to do one or two loads a day instead having a designated laundry day. Just thinking of doing nothing but laundry is enough to get me to stay in bed all day. I have two laundry baskets in the bathroom for darks and lights and a bag for the kids soiled clothes. Some people may have more, but I just have a little apartment. I am also hoping to get some nice hampers to replace the laundry baskets.

Every night before bed I have the kids sort their clothes into the right basket. And I get my husband's clothes from the floor (I used to have a basket in our room for him. But the clothes just landed all around the basket.) I also use sock sorters I got from an organizing store to keep my socks together in the wash. I had a laundry bag full of mismatched socks before.

I use a timer so I can remember to get the clothes. When they are done I fold them immediately. Otherwise it may be days before they are done. I didn't do them right away yesterday and they are still in the living room. I try to fold them to the TV or music since it is so tedious. If I am really in a I Hate Laundry state of mind I use a little trick I learned from Emilie Barnes. I pray for the people whose clothes I am folding. I puts things into perspective for me. After they are folded the kids take their piles of clothes to their room and I help them put them away. All done. At least until the next day.

Laundry tip from a reader:I had a tip to share with you about Laundry..... Last year I discovered ( and have gotten into the habit quite well) that if I fold the clothes while pulling them out of the dryer, i dont have a huge pile laying somewhere that never gets folded, or forgotten, and it makes put away time easier. I fold as I take them out of the dryer, which allows me to sort them by person/room, and instead of them sitting around dreading to put them up, they actually get put away immediatly! I also save a step by not dragging them around unfolded!.

