Easter has always been my favorite holiday, and not just because of the Easter candy. I love the uplifting music at church. I belonged to choir and we sang an Easter Cantata every Palm Sunday. We would take time and use up lots of eggs as we dyed Easter eggs as a family the week before Easter.

Early on Easter morning my little sister and I would get up to find our Easter baskets. I remember a couple years my sister and I made Easter baskets for our parents because we felt bad that they never got any, till we found the bags of Easter candy in their room after Easter. After a few candies it was time to get dressed in our frilly Easter dresses and white patten leather shoes. Dad would take a picture of us before church. We would go to church and sing, sing, sing.

Home again and then on our way to grandma's. Grandma had cooked a scrumptious ham. Grandpa would read the Easter story and remind us of the true meaning of Easter.

Easter is a time to come closer to God. A time for repentance and gratitude.

If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

O make me understand it,
Help me to take it in,
What is meant to Thee, the Holy One,
To bear away my sin
Katherine A.M. Kelly

"Look at the cross and accept it as God's own proof that He loves you. Ask him to go on flooding your heart with His love through the indwelling Spirit. And then away with gloomy fears! Let them be swallowed up in the steadfast love of God"
Jon Stott

Something neat to do for Sunday School classes is the Jellybean Poem. You type it up and attach to a bag of jellybeans. We always try to make sure each child has at least one of each color. And now for the poem:

Red is for the blood He shed.
When we see white, we see His light.
Yellow is radiance, our bright and shining Son.
Purple is for kings; Jesus is the One.
We see life in the color green.
Black is for sin only Jesus can clean.

by Charlene Dickerson

Why don't you see if there is a Easter sunrise service or an Easter musical cantata to make Easter more meaningful to you.

Hrere are some Easter sermons to read if you can't get to church.

Easter is about a new life:
new chicks,
baby bunnies
representing a new life in Christ.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;the old has gone, the new has come! -II Corinthians 5:17

And once we are a new creation we should strive to be like Christ. The outward signs of our newness is showing the fruits of the spirit.

The Fruits of the Spirit are:love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfullness, gentleness and self-control

Take this Easter time to begin a relationship with Christ by asking him into your heart, or renewing your relationship with your savior.

Billy Bear's Easter
Easter in Cyberspace
A Holy Easter
Easter Cards
Easter Bunny.net
Home For the Holidays Easter
Lent Reflections
Rosie's Easter Basket
Easter Recipes
Easter at Marvelicious
Easter Eggs
Resurrection Morning Poem

Sweet Petite's Contents

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