Where Are You?

Copyright (c)2001 Raquel Lung

by Sweet Girl


You walk through the door-she turns away

She thinks right through-the words you say.

The touch of your hands-only makes her numb

Why the resistance-where'd it come from?

Your kiss evaporates-from her lips

Her claws tear through-as her coldness rips.

You turn her around-and see someone new

And ask her eyes-"where are you?"

She looks to the window-as you start to cry

Did she hear your voice-does she even try?

You toss and turn-in bed at night

To reach her heart-you'd need a flight.

Are you ready to travel?-To visit her heart

Prepare for a challenge-do you know where to start?

Her heart's been taken-it's no longer there

Belongs to another-it beats elsewhere.

So,look in her eyes-to see the clue

There's your answer-to "Where are you"