Definition Copyright (c)2001 Raquel Lung

by SweetGirl

To Care For:is to look on with a smile-to start to worry,when gone for awhile.

To Worry:is to wonder and think about-to try to think positive,whenever in doubt.

To Think:is to acknowledge the warmth in mind-to know whats what,and who's your kind.

To Know:is to be certain and know you're right-to have a good feeling,thru all the spite.

To Have:is to hold and forever be yours-to caress with pride,after emotional wars.

To Caress:is to embrace with such warmth and feeling-to feel the miracle of the healing.

To Feel:is to touch so soft and warm-to touch so gently-thru any storm.

To Touch:is to break thru as to reach a heart-to hold a hand,and never part.

All of these words which are listed above-Has one Definition..the definition...of LOVE.