Bad Boyz II
Bad Boys for Life

“Bad Boys II” was one of the best movies that I saw this summer. I saw the movie in Seneca, South Carolina. The movie started on July18, 2003. The movie was rated R. The intended audience is teenagers, young adults, and adults. The movie is a comedy, and an action and adventure movie. The producer of Bad Boys II is Jerry Bruckheimer. The movie is two hours long. The main characters in the movie are Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, and Gabriel Union. They play two Miami police officers that have to bust drug dealers that are importing ecstasy to and from Cuba, so they have to go under cover to bust the dealers. Other actors and actresses that played in the movie were, Joe Pantoliano, Jordi Molla, Theresa Randle, Peter Stromare, Henry Rollins, and Treva Etienne. I thought that Bad Boys II was a lot better than Bad Boys I because there were better actors in the 2nd one, and the whole movie was better all round. The movie was very easy to follow, because it is very exiting. The movie Bad Boys II was directed by Michael Bay. The admission charge for the movie was six dollars. When we went to the theater we knew it would be crowded so we had to buy the tickets early so we did not have to stand in the long lines.