Evan Alexander
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UPDATED 2/4/04
Evan was born on
January 22nd, 2003

Birth Stats:
7 lbs 15 oz
19.75 inches
Apgars: 8 and 9

Current Stats:
Age: 1 Year
Weight/ Height @ 9 months
25 lb 2 oz
29.75 inches

*Here is a link to Evan's big brother's (Ross) page:


8 months
Site Map:

Belly Pics

3rd Trimester Belly Pics

Evan's Birth Story

Evan's First Week (Pics)

0-1 Month

1-2 Months

2 Months/3Months
(*3 Month Professional Pics can be seen here!!!)

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

9 Months

10 Months

11 Months

12 Months