Family, Friends and Rivals

Shigeru is far from being one of the main characters, therefore we don’t know much about his back-story, family, friends and what kind of relationship he has with them. However, there are characters that he seems to interact quite a lot with and it’s based on that that I made this section. Anyways, enjoy and get ready to read a little about Shigeru’s relationship with…

1- Ookido hakase (Prof. Oak) : Shigeru seems to be very proud of his grandfather. He brags a lot about being the grandson of the famous Prof. Oak, one of the greatest (if not THE greatest) authorities on Pokemon, who also looks quite satisfied with Shigeru’s skills and talent. Their relationship is a little deeper than that, though.

Shigeru holds his grandfather in high regards, not only because he is famous as a successful Pokemon researcher, but also because he is the one who actually seems to take care of him. I mean, we have never heard anything about Shigeru’s parents, which leads us to believe that they’re either dead or just don’t care much for their son (actually, in the Pokemon Zensho manga, it’s said that Shigeru’s parents died and Prof. Oak had to look out for his grandchildren) It’s obvious that he respects and admires that nutty professor a whole bunch, for later on he even decides to follow his grandfather’s steps by taking some time to research and study Pokemon! (Um…have I just told you too much? Dang, next time I’ll make sure to put a huge SPOILER alert^^;;)

2- Ookido Nanami (May/Daisy Oak) : Other than Prof. Oak, Gary’s sister is the only member of his family that we know of. Because she’s older than her brother, Nanami appears to help her grandfather raise Gary (or is it he that helps her raise Gary? I don’t know, I’m confused! O_o) and is very nice toward Geru-kun. It’s my opinion that Gary became quite attached to his sister, because I have read the manga and he is seems to be really jealous about her (in the Dengeki Pikachu manga, at least) and appears to try to keep Ash away from her, because the dummy has a HUGE crush on her!^^; Mwah!

3- Satoshi (Ash Ketchum) : Shigeru’s relationship with Satoshi is…a big question mark! I mean, as far as I know, they used to be friends in their childhood (or so it is said on the anime and the instruction booklet of the game! ^^), but then they became rivals and started acting as if they despised each other (especially Gary), and then when they finally reached the Johto League finals, they became friends again! O__o I think that maybe they both wanted so hard to be the best Pokemon Master in the world that they created this rivalry so that one could force himself to be better than the other, but deep inside they never actually stopped being friends; as time passed and they grew mature, they realized there was no point in breaking up their friendship for such silly reasons and decided to get along again. Friends, then rivals and then friends again…yeah, that sounds about right. ^_^

4- His pokemon : (What, you thought I wouldn’t bring this up?^^) Sadly, Gary is not the main character of the series, so we don’t get to see him training or breeding his pokemon. However, I think he treats his pokemon very nicely and shares a strong bond with them (maybe not as strong as Ash’s, but still strong^^). For instance, his Eevee wouldn’t have evolved into Umbreon if it didn’t like its trainer enough, and Arcanine also seems to be very attached and loyal to him. I think that tells us something, right? Mwah! ^_^

Well, I guess this is all we can say for sure. Going any further or trying to figure out Gary’s relationship with other characters would be mere speculation, so I’ll stop. ^^ Mwah