Ruby's Pink Corner

Welcome to my little pink corner! If some of the people who happen to know me are wondering if this is "The Corner", the answer is yes! This is my famous corner, the one I sit in when I'm bored, sad or even when I'm hyper! Which means..I spend a lot of time here! ^_^; Anyway, if you were bored enough to come here, then I guess I should tell you a little about myself, right? Okies,then let's get started!

Gary: Hey!This is my shrine! Why do you have to talk about you?

Because *I* made this site, remember? And I can talk about myself if I want to!

Gary: Sure...and your "little" chit-chat will be longer than the rest of the site... And then you say this shrine is dedicated to me...-_-

Gary...sweetie, cute beans...*hits him with her Cardcaptor staff* DON'T PISS ME OFF! I'm trying to start something here!

Gary: OK... Guess I'll just go to my... dark corner, whatever!

Anyway... shall we begin? ^_^

Name: Catherine (don't call me that, cause people only call me that way when they're mad at me! o_O)

Alias: Cathy, Cath, Copycat (real life), Ruby, Kikyou, Ruru, Shiggy, Nakuru-chan (online) and the list goes on...

Hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading, watching anime (no, really?), hanging out with my friends, shopping (I'm a girl, what'dya expect?) and, of course, my all time favorite, annoying people!!!! ^_^;

Age: Wouldn't you like to know? Bwahahahahahaha, evil!!!!

Where to find me: I highly doubt you can find me in real life, 'cause I live in my own world and only a few people are allowed there.^_^; However, it's pretty easy to find me online! Lookie:

Discussion Forums I'm logged in:

Animenation: Ruby Moon is the name there, kids! Mwah!

Anime4ever: The name? Same as the one from animenation, Ruby Moon! A must-see forum for any pokemon fan! The name there is Shigeru Soul. ^_^;

Ninja Alliance: That's right, I'm a ninja! Lol! My username is RubyMoon, though I'm currently logged in as Priestess Kikyou. Mwah!

Hidden Hearts Boards: A forum totally dedicated to my current obsession, Sesshoumaru/Kikyou! XD And guess what... I am the admin! XD Name there is Lady Kikyou, people^^

My Instant Messangers Handles:

AIM: Sweet Ruby Moon, AkizukiNakuru17, Shigeru Soul, Sweet Shigeru-kun, CutePrincessRuby...I have a lot!!

YIM: Sweet_Ruby_Moon, Asuka_the_Mighty, Priestess_Kikyou_Sama...


ICQ: 175256404

Whoo! The list is quite long, huh? And I think there's still more...

Gary: Is it over yet?

Almost...but there's something missing...Oh, I know!!! E-mail!!! I forgot to put up my e-mail!!!

Gary: Oh no, missy! You don't need more people e-mailing you! *carries her away* And you are leaving this place now!

But...but...Ok, if anyone wants to e-mail me, just click on Mew, he'll take your message to me! Ja ne!!

Gary: Still here? Don't waste more of your time and go back to Star Pride right now!