Status Report For all group members from 1/23 - 2/4


01/23 - Monday 01/28: 
Worked on Statement of Need for the Accounting/Fee system of Library Mgmt System

01/29 - Monday 02/04:
- Identified high-level tasks for Testinng phase and approximate schedule for testing tasks
- Prepared a document on 'Tasks for Use  Case Modeling' for team members
- Attempted to identify the requirementss and use cases for Hotel Mgmt System before the group meeting


January 23 - February 4 

- Worked on Requirements for Library Sysstem.
- Worked on Project Management documentaation; specifically the project schedule.
- Updated project schedule as required.
- Attended meeting to discuss design doccumentation and establish a list of use cases for the hotel system.


January 23 - February 4 

- Created Inter-Library Interface sectioon of the Statement of Need for Team 2 
- Downloaded and installed JBuilder5 forr Win98 
- Downloaded JBuilder6 for WinXP 
- Downloaded Oracle 8i Personal Edition  for Win98 
- Attempted to download Oracle 8i for Wiin2k, but lost server connection after 3 hours 
- Installed Rational Rose 98 
- Analyzed Hotel System Statement of Neeed 
- Researched Software Requirements Speciifications (SRS) 
- Found a template to use for the SRS 
- Identified an initial set of Actors annd Use Cases for the Hotel System 
- Attended first group meeting on Februaary 1 
- Attended second group meeting on Februuary 4 


January 23 - February 4 

- Installed Oracle 9i for Win 2000
- Installed Rational Rose, JBuilder 4
- Analyzed Hotel System Statement of Neeed 
- Attended group meetings and contributeed to discussion
- Helped identify an initial set of Actoors and Use Cases for the Hotel System 
- Identified Initial Screens and Databasse tables.
- Started working on the prototype in Jaava. Created MDI screen.
- Provided group with Requirements templlate.
