Matthew 5:14 - You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
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May 27, 2001
Hey Guys,
I just redid the buttons and stuff, so in case I missed a page or some of them don't work, be sure to
e-mail me, and tell me thanks.

P.S. I still need more pictures, or at least some!!
May 7, 2001
Hey Guys,The pictures in the scrapbook are really old, and I need some new ones.  So bring be some.   I need them becuase I  dont ever take my camera on youth functions.  So give me some. See ya Soon

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May 6,2001
Hey Guys,
It's CJ.  I'm taking this over since Mitchell isn't going to do it anymore.
hope I can do as good of a job. 
Last updated: May 27, 2001
By: CJ