Knight and the Princess
The road was dark, appeared unending;
With vast moors on either side.
Scarlet horizon ,end of the day-
Castle's sight spurred the knight's ride.
After many a years  he had retraced his steps
with a thought in his mind;
Not the duke,not the Earls,Not even-
The Queen so kind...
From abyss the sea of fantasy rose bubbles of dreams;
The noble princess swashed his senses and he rode down the stream;
Stars and people welcomed him,
The castle shimmered with lights ;
Then he saw the princess coming dimming the glowers with her halo bright.
She gave him a glance ,beneath her veil,
The pearl  he had been waiting...
To him it appearded as the thunder ,
The Castle dazzled with lightening
Her train of followers and courtessies prevented him nearer,
He kissed her hand as formal dumped his feelings deep.
In her eyes the same desire he was sure he peeped!

Wars within and administration-
he was busy all the way .
But the princess never left his thought be it night or day;
The duke had an absolute trust
Firm on the Brave Knight .
The Princess wanted to visit the lake when the lovely
Moon was bright!

The Duke sent him alone with her ,
As - her - Protector!
The Knight being her child hood friend !!
Now capable to protect her...

The lake was cool the moon light bright ,
Lotuses within the deep.
Cool breeze blew the clouds flew
The moon played hide and seek.
He wanted to say every bit...
His heart thumped within,
The princess her self started to say
In her heart what had been...
"You love some one don't you ?"
This was the thing she asked!
-"If I say its you .. will your terms be harsh??"
It thundered again with a violent clap!!
The ground shook within.
The wind, the moon , the clouds the lake..
And some eyes ....
Watched them there in....
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