Other Important People
Mr. Amann - David Rawson writes that he believes that Mr. Amann lives in Brunswick, ME (Fall of 2004)
Mrs. Gabel - Liz Fukushima writes - "My sister Catherine ...saw Mrs. Gabel last year (1993) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC." 
Other SHS Sites
Miss. Abbott - thanks to Rob McGee for informing us that Miss Abbott passed away July 25, 2006.  She was 98 at the time of her death and lived at Quadrangle, in Haverford.  She began teaching at Swarthmore elementary in 1937, after graduating from Columbia University. She retired in 1973, two years prior to our graduation.  According to the article in the Swarthmorean, former students spoke of her as a "sweet and kind lady", who was "soft spoken and gentle."  One student remembered her as "so welcoming to a new and frightened second grader."

She had interests in financial planning, current events and was an avid gardener.  As an avid gardener, here real love was her town, with its flowers and growing things.  Before her death she donated land for Gateway Park. 
In Memoriam
Mrs. Wagner - Mindy writes - "She's doing really well for a lady of nearly 80 years!.  Both my folks live in a retirement community in Media; mom keeps really busy.  She had a number of private piano students right up until last spring, and finally decided she'd like to "try other things!"    (Fall of 2004)
Mr Fliegler - Cindy (Dunton) Thornton recently saw David in Baltimore (January 2005), when he was in town for a convention.  Cindy writes:  "It was so much fun to see David Fliegler.  My kids went with me and we met my sister and her husband and David.  David hasn't changed a bit and just as funny as ever.  He and his wife Katie live in Irvine, California.  Katie is, and always has been a teacher - an incredible one. David is in computer consulting.  Basically, as always, they are enjoying life.  Their son, Jeff, is a chef.  Their daughter, Julie is back in college after taking a year to travel the world.  What a wonderful family."
Miss Zimmer (Irma) - Miss. Zimmer recently died on March 17, 2005.  Karl Crawford was kind enough to forward the following to us from the Delaware County Times
ZIMMER, Miss Irma E. on March 17, 2005, of Swarthmore PA.  Daughter of the late George and Agnes Zimmer.  Sister of the late George Zimmer. Survived by one cousin, Karl Zimmer.  Memorial service to be announced.  Burial private.  White Luttrell Funeral Home - Ridley Park.
Mr. Kuney (Steve) - Thanks to Jon Stoner for forwarding this link
