Welcome to Swans Talk, new user! Swans Talk is basically a community of Swans fans who gather at this site to voice their opinions, discuss Swans related issues and share Swans related information. We encourage new visitors to participate in this site, as the more contributors we have the better the site becomes.

As the site grows, we feel that a few ground rules need to be set down. Adherence to these rules allows free and open discussion, and eliminates the need for censorship. The rules are as follows:

Obscene language is out. We have children visiting (one recent visitor was aged 6).

Personal attacks are out. They are not what this board is for.

Wild defamatory rumours are out. By this I don't mean rumours about recruiting targets or the like (they are part of what this board was set up for) but stuff that is defamatory towards a person or group will not be tolerated. This is for the benefit of myself, as well as sportsonly.com (the host of this board) and the person posting the message. I don't want any libel actions resulting from discussions on the board. This doesn't include things such as the personal opinion of a supporter regarding a player or coach.

If you wish to continue a discussion with one Swans Talk user on a specific topic, exchange email addresses and continue the discussion through email rather than continually posting follow up messages . This frees up space on the board and makes it easier for others to read. You can rest assured that no email address posted on this site will be given out to SPAM companies.

Other than that, feel free to post whatever you think will be of interest to Swans supporters. We look forward to hearing from you!