Guest Instructors

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  This page contains brief information about guest instructors to Yoshitaka Karate Club. The Club hopes to invite guests regularly throughout the year, as training with other instructors widens knowledge about different areas of karate-do and the martial arts.

Please click on the name below to find out more about our guests:


Sensei Agostino Camillini.

Sensei Metello Fanelli.

Robbie Scott.

Sammi Scott.



Sensei Agostino Camillini - Shotokan (Yondan - 4th dan).

Sensei A. Camillini (4th dan) has a very long career in Martial arts as he started in judo when he was 19 years old (now he is 70), and accomplished the grade of 2nd dan judo he also had numerous competition successes and was one of the best competitor in Italy. However he switched to Shotokan and has been diligently training ever since. Sensei is a very accomplished karate-ka, with a wealth of teaching experience.

Sensei Agostino Camillini will be our guest at a course held on 7th March 2009 - please see our news page for more details.

Sensei Metello Fanelli - Shotokan (Nidan - 2nd dan).

Sensei M. Fanelli (2nd dan) is 36 years old and was born in England and moved to Italy when he was very young. As a karate-ka Sensei Fanelli has had a very successful kata competition record, he has won two national youth kata titles, and in all 24 competitions he has entered in kata he has never placed lower than 3rd. He currently trains with Sensei A. Camillini.

Sensei Metello Fanelli will be our guest at a course held on 7th March 2009 - please see our news page for more details.

Robbie Scott - Wado Ryu (Nidan - 2nd Dan).

Robbie practices Wado Ryu karate, a style of karate that is based on Shotokan and other martial arts such as JuJitsu.  Wado Ryu (Way of Harmony School) was founded in 1938 by Ohtsuka Hironori who trained under our style's founder-Ginchin Funakoshi. Robbie started karate very young at 5 years old, due to his father Sensei Paul Scott (5th Dan-Godan) who he trains with today. He is very competitive with himself and is constantly trying to better his karate-to great success, Robbie is very successful in competition. He won Bronze at the 2008 Junior European Karate Federation in Trieste Italy and narrowly missed out on Bronze at the World Junior Championships in Istanbul, Turkey. In the UK he enjoys lots of competition success; Gold (Senior Male -60kg Kumite) at the British International Open – London , Gold in both the Male Open weight kumite and team kumite at the North Wales Open – Wrexham, and at the Welsh Championships – Cardiff Silver in the Senior Male -70kg category. Robbie’s favourite kata is Passai, due to the effective techniques and bunkai applications.

Robbie and Sammi in action, demonstrating at the 16th May 2008 Kumite Course.

Robbie came to Yoshitaka on the 25/04/08 and 16/05/08 (click the dates for the course reports and photos).

Sammi Scott - Wado Ryu (Shodan - 1st Dan).

Sammi, like her brother started karate young, between the age of 3 and 5. Her inspiration in karate is her father, Sensei Paul Scott and her drive comes from her brother with whom she is very competitive with! Her favourite techniques are sweeps and as for kata, although she doesn’t have a favourite however she uses kata to improve her fighting techniques. As for competitions Sammi has been very successful, winning 3 Welsh U16 titles last year (2007 Welsh Youth Open Championships-Cardiff, North Wales Open Championships-Wrexham, Welsh Championship-Cardiff) and at the European Level coming 3rd in the Junior Austrian Open U16 (-50kgs) Kumite.

Sammi came to Yoshitaka on the 25/04/08 and 16/05/08 (click the dates for the course reports and photos).


From time to time Yoshitaka Karate Club travels to courses with special instructors for course reports click the following:



    "Learn what you do not know; question what you doubt..." ~ Zengzi

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This page was last updated 21/01/2009 (by ~R)

Yoshitaka Karate Club. Sketty and Tycoch, Swansea.