
by Ilsa


My loins do the bidding of Satan. Fortunately, I have redirected my sexual energy into other areas where I need the rods and cones much more desperately. But damn if I didn't turn a few million heads in the last few months, what with walking around smelling like a warm juicy cunt all the time. PHEROMONES. I have 'em, and they are HELLA STRONG. Now they're just mildly effective since I did some redirection, which is good. I mean shit, just watching tv was making my loins ache like a motherfucker. Didn't matter what was on the tube, either. Watching clouds roll by would send me into a sexual frenzy where no man or woman could escape my tempting offers of blowjobs and a good, hard fuckin'! No living thing could possibly escape my high lust factor. You got functional genitalia? I'll do ya RAW. Yeah, you bet that perty little ass of yers. Oh shit, there I go again. DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT! Ok. I'm calm, I'm CALM.

I know what you're thinking. "Oh, those uberfemmes. Their insatiable lust for fucking is unlike anything you ever dreamed of in a woman." Yeah, well, just you wait until we get our claws in ya. There's no going back to those human girls, let me tell you. No going back. We can make you cry, we can make you come, but best of all, we can make you BLEED. Ok, maybe I'm just speaking for MYSELF, here, but hey, it's something I have to do. I EARNED my bragging rights, kids. You think I got to where I am by being a mousy little geek chick who's too busy pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose to look at anyone of the opposite sex (or the SAME sex, for that matter)? HELL NO. I got here by fuckin' and suckin' my way to the TOP of the food chain. Am I a slut? Hell yeah, baby, and I'm PROUD of it. You can call me dirty names like that, but you damn well better have me tied up and beaten into submission or else I'll chomp your puny little prick off. Yeah, you heard me. CHOMP. Cuz I've got sexlust, but I've got bloodlust, too, and I will not hesitate to suck ALL of your fluids out!

So much for redirecting that energy. Once a whore, always a whore. Now where's my TROPHY??!!