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The home page of John K Mc.
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i dont claim my life to be entirely intresting , but this is how it is at the present time.  i am a junior in college now , i am liking it best i can , my life seems to be consistantly intresting , find me online somewhere and ill tell you about it , yahoo is fallen_angel552  and aim is valjean45 . the picture above is a pic of me and a friend of mine :) if this is the first time you have visited my site , im sorry you stumbled onto it enjoy going where you meant to go , for the 4 people that intented to be here i have changed some things so look around please , and no eating on the couch thank you :)  ok i dont know how involved this web page will become but a couple of things to tell u first off i spell like im 4 , so if its off, deal with it and move on , secondly i have wild outbursts and am liable to have some wierded shit on here and "C" is that i am a little twisted althoug i doubt that one will be involved as much so on with the show.....for any prevalent info check out info
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