Pirev'sdownload area

These are some of my projects that can be downloaded from the Internet.

File Name
File Size
File Description Price Picture
icd-1 version 1.3
This is a ICD-1, MPLAB 5.xx compatible debugger.Contain icd.pcb, icd.sch in Protel 99 SE and PDF format. For more information see MicroChip.
The same hardware can be used with ICD-S, ICD-S20 or ICD-S40, but with firmware from CCS, They will work only with PCW IDE and CCS C compiler. ICD-S is an original ICD-1 with crystal 3.6864 MHz, ICD-S20 work with crystal 20.0 MHz,  ICD-S40 work with crystal 10.0 MHz, but PIC16F876 was changed with PIC18F252 processor. For more information see: CCS
Free icd1 pcb photo
icd-2, version 1.0
Under Construction
This is a ICD-2, MPLAB 6.XX compatible debugger.Contain icd.pcb & icd.sch in Protel 99 SE and PDF format. For more information see MicroChip.
See another completed ICD-2 clones at http://www.nebadje.org/ICD2Clone.html, http://pictools.port5.com/ICD2%20In-Circuit%20Debugger.htm, http://www.mcu.cz/modules/news/article.php?storyid=430
Free No picture at this time
LC meter, version 1.3
LC meter is useful device in every laboratory. Measuring inductance is hardship. There is used "Frecuency Shift Oscillation" method. Range is: 1pF - 1uF and 0.1uH - 150mH. In LC meter I'am using PIC16F628(A)-I/P and LM311N. Software is free and written at CCSC C compiler. PCB and SCH is in Protel99se format. All is zipped in one file. For more information see AADE.
lc meter picture
Digital thermometer
Under Construction
This is a dual channel digital termometer with LM335Z,PIC16F874(7) and 4 digit LCD display.Range is from -40C to +100C Free No picture at this time
Frigo е платка с размерите на кибритена кутия, която се използва за размразяване на стари климатици, които нямат такава функция. Един мошеник, на име Ненко Мечков от гр.Пловдив, ми я поръча. Написах му софтуера, направих му хардуера, но той не се разплати. Затова и името му се кипри тук. Всеки, който желае, може да използва безплатно хардуера и софтуера на разработката. Free
No picture at this time
DTMF decoder
DTMF decoder use MT8870D & PIC16F84(or PIC16F627,PIC16F628). Program is written using CCS C compiler. As display is using two line 2x8 LCD, type JM082A. DTMF decoder input can be connected directly to phone line Free No picture at this time
Voice Phone Dialer
Doc ( En )
( not aviable yet )
Doc ( Bg )
PCB, Protel 99
32Kb Zip file
Voice Phone Dialer have normal alarm input and second anti-fire input, can play up to 8 alarm melody, also user voice record up to 16 or 20 seconds . Anti-fire input have priority, that alarm input. Dialer can dial up to 8 numbers, every with up to 17 digits. First 5 numbers are for alarm input, last 3 numbers are for anti-fire input. Dialer have pulse and tone ( DTMF ) dialing. Power supply is 24V ( 12V optional ) . In Dialer are used PIC16F870/872 working with 8 MHz quartz crystal or ceramic resonator and voice chip ISD1416/1420P. The numbers are entered through 2 buttons and 7 segment LED indicator. Dialer can send his serial number ( 4 digits )  to pager.
22 Euro
Voice Phone Dialer PCB photo
I2C for PIC16/PIC18 with MSSP module
( not aviable yet )
I2C for PIC16/PIC18 without MSSP module
( not aviable yet )
 I2C bus interface to 24xxx memory with PIC16Fxx & PIC18Fxx using MSSP module or using software I2C.

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Copyright 2004 - Svetoslav Pirev
All Rights Reserved
Webmaster: Svetoslav Pirev - pirev@abv.bg
My recent CV in PDF format