"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little."    Edmund Burke

One at a time....as many times as possible
Until there are none - save just one.

Notice:  As of July 1, 2002, it has become necessary to change the focus of Save Just One's rescue efforts.  This is because of new animal laws passed in the state of Virginia, some which became effective 7/1/02.   Further explanation about this and other factors in reaching this decision will be posted on the revised web pages.

This web site is being redesigned and also moving to a new webhost. 

Save Just One had been hosted by Yahoo Geocities (FREE) for about 1 1/2 years.  The domain names of "savejustone.com and savejustone.org" were registered, but Yahoo Geocities at that time did not allow use of domain names and the URL "www.oocities.org/suzza7" was used.  This old URL will cease to work within 24 to 48 hours from today (July 27, 2002). 

NEW URL:  http://www.savejustone.com
