Soul Gardening perspective
Soul Gardening wisdom
What others  say
Updated 1st July 2009
Pois for balance and harmony with nature.
Welcome to
Soul Gardening
The sacred art of relating harmoniously.
About Suzanne
Channelling and facilitating for individuals and groups.
         Suzanne offers her abilities as a channel for universal love energies, and guides you to relate with the plants and Earth.
     From a relationship with Suzanne, you learn a way of being that resonates with the plants and Earth with universal love.

          You gain an understanding of yourself so that you can learn to TRUST.
From trusting yourself you gain a different perspective that includes your relationship with the plants and Earth.

          From this relationship you develop your relationships with yourself and others and begin to learn to maintain yourself in a balanced and harmonious way in a group setting. You also access your inner wisdom that is connected with a universal truth through the Divine Universal Love.

          You develop an understanding of your inner value system and gradually  balance this with your external values system through a sacred marriage within through divine universal love.
While maintaining this relationship it is hoped that you are able to love living in a balanced and harmonious way here on Earth.

Suzanne works with the plant and earth energies to assist you in your healing journey to have balance and harmony in your relationships through all aspects of your life.

Contact Suzanne
To contact me,
or to sign or view the guestbook, please go to the
Contact Suzanne page
Enjoy your soul  gardening
Try Soul Gardening perspective by clicking on the lavender  to enter
Soul Gardening is a way of understanding the inter-relationship between people,plants and places to ensure you maintain balance and harmony with your soul, which is already connected with the universal life force.
The plants and Earth help you maintain balance and harmony by acting as support for your essence and your relating energies . In other words helping you to strengthen your connection to your soul and grow in a balanced and harmonious way when re-entering mainstream society.
The plants essence resonates with your soul essence, and this supports you in healing and supports your essence as you grow from within radiating outwards with a gentle strength.
In Soul Gardening the relationships are felt as a vibration. As people we resonate with  vibrations that relate between people, plants and places through our senses, emotions, thoughts and words.
We use our relating tools of scents,tastes, rhythm, colour  and sound to discern what resonates best with our soul and harmonises with a universal love flow.
Messages channelled through Suzanne resonating with the vibration of Divine  Universal Love will be in the colour lavender
     SoulGardening helps you gently weed out what is not connected with your soul and nurture that which is connected with your soul.