

I fell that my final grade in English Composition 106 should be a B. I believe that I deserve a B because my work shows the required elements of content, clarity, style, and integrity. I have followed the requirements of the class syllabus and the guidelines for the English department. Therefore, I fell I should get a B in Dr. Canada’s English Composition class.

            One requirement for a B in English 106 is that your papers should contain content. According to Dr. Canada’s Syllabus, content is defined as: “ Argumentative essays should state clear, substantive, contestable, and precise claims early and support these claims with appropriate evidence.” (1) In my proposal paper I had a good claim and supported it with the appropriate evidence. My claim in my proposal paper states: “The reasons for why high school students should read this book is because it teaches individuals about having a strong work ethic, how to rise above and become a successful person, and this book can be used as a great motivational tool to inspire others to act. (1) I followed the claim by providing evidence from Benjamin Franklins Autobiography and using other credible sources that evaluated Franklin’s work. Another paper required for the portfolio is a casual analysis paper. My paper is on Colonial recreation and how certain elements effected recreation during that period. Again, I stated a solid claim and followed through with sufficient evidence. In The paper “Colonial Recreation, my claim stated: “Social standing, geographical location, and gender all played a role in how colonial people participated in recreation entertainment.” (1) I supported this claim with credible sources and the required amounts are used throughout the paper.

            Not only is content important but clarity is as well. A good example of using clarity when writing a paper is having a good topic sentence and following through with clear sentences and transitional words or phrases. 

In my causal analysis Colonial Recreation I have used a topic sentence at the beginning of every new paragraph. I was able to use the topic sentence as a spin off from the transitional phrases from the previous paragraphs.  In the paper “Colonial Recreation”, I state: “Along with social standing and geographical location, gender and race played an important role in the forms of colonial recreation.”(5 ) Here I used information from the claim and the previous paragraphs to help introduce the topic of the final paragraph. Clarity is important because without it you reader may have difficulties reading and following the flow of your work.

            The third element of a solid paper is one that has style.  In the book Good Reasons the author Lester Faigley defines style as: “ Style in argument begins with language-the words and sentences that the writer selects and assembles. (91) The use of proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling are all forms of style. The use of sources, proper attribution, and the use of quotations are required under the use of style. In both the papers for the portfolio I have use good punctuation, grammar, and spelling. The proper use of attribution is abundant in both my proposal and my causal analysis.

            Finally, the last element of a solid paper is integrity. A good definition of integrity is not to plagiarize. As stated in the English 106 guidelines, it states: Intentionally or knowingly presenting the work as one’s own.” (2) Integrity is your own work. The use of proper citation and using quotation is required when quoting a source. You must give credit where credit is due. In both the papers I have submitted in my portfolio I have followed the rules of integrity. When quoting another author I have used either an attributive phrase or paraphrase and have included the page from where the information came. I have also backed their work up by submitting a work-cited page with their proper information.

            In conclusion, I fell that I fulfilled the requirements of a B defined in Dr Canada’s syllabus. Dr Canada states: “ A student who earns a B has demonstrated many of the same qualities shown as an A, but a few minor areas. The student has generally mastered the material and is likely to succeed in future challenges.” (4) Therefore, I fell that my final grade in English composition 106 should be a B.  



Work Cited

            Canada, Mark. “English Composition 2.” 15, April 2002.

University of North Carolina at Pembroke. 20, April 2002. < http://www.uncp.edu/home/canada>


English 106:Compostion II. “Department of English, Theatre, and Language.” University of

North Carolina at Pembroke. 20, April 2002. <http://www.wenews.net/article.cfm/dyn/aid/629>


Faigley, Lester. Good Reasons.  Boston. Allyn & Bacon, 2000


Pierce, Suzanne. “Colonial Recreation.” 21, April 2002.  <http://www.oocities.org/suzannepierce _uncp/causualanalysis.html>


Pierce, Suzanne. “Proposal.” 20, April 2002.
