Springfield Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Future Programs with Google Calendar We are a religious fellowship who get together to further the causes of liberal religion. 

We meet Sunday afternoons at 5 pm, in the Church of the Brethren Main Building.

   at 1072 Main street in Springfield Oregon

  The format is presentation and discussion. Coffee hour will follow.

 Find out more about us.

 Link to Our Sister Church In Eugene

 Link to a topic list we are working on

 Link to a sermon search in Yahoo


 Link to our Bylaws  

 Link to Minutes of Meetings  

 Link to Agendas  

Who are we? We are a group of people who share a common need to further both our spiritual and intellectual growth. Although we are not formally affiliated with any nationally recognized religious organization, we embrace the principles and precepts of Unitarian-Universalism. We are a lay-led fellowship, committed to building a community of mutual support. Why are we a "fellowship"? We are a liberal religious community with a need for free exchange of ideas. We choose to govern ourselves with a "consensus decision making" process that asks each member to value and consider each other's opinions and beliefs as well as to value and express their own.

   Please contact us at         newfriends@suufso.org

   Our Phone number is 541-988-0277