"In the beginning was the Word , and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1.  Here it is definately stated that something which is called Word is identical with our Creator.  The Word of God is everywhere..not just within four walls..or one holy book..or one religion.  The Vedas tell us that this is the Abstract sound called Anahad, meaning unlimited sound.  When one quiets his soul so that he can hear the Divine Voice, he is relieved from all worries, anxieties, sorrow, fear and disease.  The soul of the listener becomes the all pervading consciousness.  Some train themselves to hear the Word by finding solitude at the seashore, riverbank, woods or being alone in the mountains or deserts.  Some concentrate on just playing a musical instrument.

What is relatively new to the Western World is the concept of the Audible Life Stream, The Living Word of God.  In this concept, we are all part of a 'collective consciousness' and the 'body of God', with the Word being our 'direct line' to the Supreme Being, the Universal Consciousness.  The Living Word of God can be explained like that of electromagnetic radio waves that fill all space of the cosmic universe.  These waves are being transmitted to us.  All we need to do is learn how to tune our receiver into them  The East calls this cosmic sound, Bani, the music of God.  It has been said that once you are able to tune yurself into Bani and hear it, you will be filled with a great joy that is beyond compare.  Bani is what the West refers to as the 'Music of the Angels'.  Moses heard this very sound on Mount Sinai and Christ told of hearing it when our Hevenly Father manifested himelf to Christ in the wilderness.  The bells in the church steeple are meant  to suggest the same sacred sound, calling man to God.  The sounds of the Bani are found through the sounds of nature ie. thunder, the roaring of the sea, the jingling of the bells , the sound of running water, the buzzing of bees, the twittering of the birds, the Vida, the whistle, or the sound of Shankha, until it finally becomes the Hu, which is the most sacred of all sounds.  The word Hu is the spirit of all sounds and words.  It belongs to no language but all language belongs to it.   This alone is the true name of God, a Name that no people and no religion can claim as their own.  It is The Name that cannot be Spoken, but is uttered by every man and living creature.  It is hidden in the spiritual body of all words ad sounds.,  All things and beings exclaim this name of God; for every activity of life expresses distinctly this very sound.  The Greeks called it Logos, meaning the Divine Word.  It is the Divine Current or  Wave going forth from God himself and flowing throughout the universe.  The very word itself, Universe, is defined as 'one song', with uni meaning one and verse meaning song.  It is not only an emanation from God, but it is God himself.  When any man speaks in this world, he simply sets in motion atmospheric vibrations, but he himself moves in and through those vibrations.  It is God himself that vibrates..thus the Living Word in Genesis. It is written that the Word existed before the Light came into the world. 

The Light Genesis refers to is Life and both are Electricity, from which springs Matter and Spirit. The Ancients taughts us that Light was a form of matter, which is supported today through the radiometer.  Scientists are now able to weigh Light through this meter, showing us that not only is Light matter, but it has a force of it's own.  Today we now are able to physically harness light, using it to transmit and receive audio and video waves.  Another use of harnessed light is laser beams and x-rays.

There are those walking among us that have learned to harness and control this very force through their own will of thought.  We all have this capability, but few of us have learned how to put it into practice.  The key is in understanding the Laws of our Creator.  We also need to forget what we have been taught about what is impossible and renew our old beliefs, having absolute faith that everything is possible.   Remember..we have been created, dual natured, with a (Divine) Heritage.  Our spiritual body is made up of subtle fluids (Aether) and light (Matter and Force).  It is also one with the Universal Light which is also made of matter and force. 
By overcoming your dependency on physical surroundings and your five sense, you can align yurself to yur Higher Self which is also aligned to the Universal Force.  Through the use of your Higher (Spiritual) senses, the dimensional veils are lifted and the limitations of time and space vanquish.  You will learn how to use your spiritual eyes to see past, present and future events.  An Adept can shoot through space and communicate with anothr physical person, as if that person was in the same room.  I use the Adepts as an example, but Jesus Christ told us that we all have these powers.  All we need is the knowledge and the faith of a 'mustard seed'.  Christ told us that even the 'least' among us are the beloved of God, deserving all the joy that Creation has to offer, and are capable of experiencing and 'performing' miracles, just as he did.  The only person or thing that stands in your way is you.  You and your old beliefs are your worst nemesis.

Through study and understanding you will find your 'true' path.  It is the path less taken, but the rewards are boundless.  At the cores of all religion there is one true path.  It is here that you  find true religion,  you  find that 'something' that binds the soul to God.  We must let go of Ego and put  our trust in God's Wisdom and Christ's Promise.  When you become anxious, frightened or stressed because of a particular occurrence in your life, separate yourself from tht reality.  Remind yourself that everything is in accordance with God's Plan.  Everything happens as it should and there are no accidents.  We are exactly where we suppose to be at that particular time and place.

With no exceptins, the entire universe works through the Eternal Life Stream.  It is omnipresent and omnipotent, awaiting the proper conditons to express itself as a dynamic force in one form or another.  Thre is not a living creature tht is without this power.  Within this Stream lies the great power of Love, which is affirmed through the words of Christ, "God is Love".

Quantum Physics confirms the presence of the Word, or Eternal Life Stream.. The descriptive words may differ,but the principles are the same. Science states that the essence of our universe is composed of a systematic and synchronized pattern of which we are all part of.  It sumits tht we are a subatomic particle, existing both here and some place else, at the very same time...all connected within the same pattern or reality.  Quantum Physics shows us that an observer  cannot observe without altering what he sees.  Through the Counscious Will of Thought, we can use invisible vibrating energies or waves, consisiting of subatomic particles, to create our desires to manfest into the physical world.

Carl Jung coined the term of which we call 'coincidence', as 'synchronicity'. He stood by his belief that synchronicity showed that there was no such thing as a random act or coincidence.  Here we see more confirmation of the Eternal Life Stream. Jung reported that synchronicity consists of the universal energies, invisible vibrating waves, similar to radio waves.  Through the Audible Life Stream,  we not only can pick up on cosmic and universal events, but can physically transmit and receive messages and emotions of others.  We can also, through our thought patterns, create events.  Everyone, at some time, has experienced this phenomena.  Examples could be explained as being at the right place at the right time.  You were thinking of someone and the telephone rings, and it is them on the other phone.  Examples of synchronization are endless.  God created us (when properly instructed and guided) to be able to have a conscious communication with the entire universe.  Most of us cannot imagine the extent of our divine heritage.  Upon accepting synchronizaton in your life, you will learn how to go with the 'flow'.  The flow is a natural, effortless unfolding of our lives in a way that moves us towards wholeness and harmony.  When we are in the 'flow', occurrences line up, events fall into place and  obstacles melt away.  It is a time when we feel we are in the right place, at the right time, doing the the right things.  To have the flow work for you, you must learn to read the guide signs that have been posted for you along your 'life path' and allow them to direct you in your life.  Let your mind be open to the signs.  Signs coud be as insignificant as a bird flying in front of you, a book being dropped in front of a store or a leaf falling and landing in your lap.  Flow works according to our beliefs, behavors and actions.  When you are open, willing and trusting, you will experience flow as fulfillment and joy, with a frequent occurrence of synchronicity.  If you are fearful, doubtful and controlling, the flow diminishes and your life path becomes full of obstacles and frustration, with a cease of synchronicity.  The key here is that what you give of yourself, comes back to you.  Your belief system also dictates what you attribute synchronicity to.  When it occurs, some of us may thank our luck, or fate, destiny, karma, or an ange.  I like to use the saying "Synchronicity happens when God wishes to remain anonymous."

The Universal Life Stream,
the Song of the Universe
by Mary Sutherland, author of Living in the Light
No one or thing is separate of each other within God's design.  We all exist as cells within the entire body of the Cosmos, harmoniously working together as one single unit. We are what is called a microcosm, meaning 'small world'.  We are a replica of the entire universe, in a smaller version.  We have been put together, organized and adjusted to share and correspond to everything within this universe.  By understanding the working mechanics of your body, you will then become closer to understanding the mechanics of the Cosmic Intelligence.  Because of our construction, we are able to communicate our thoughts throughout  the universe as well as use these thoughts to co-create miracles.  Through the Ages, most of us have lost the knowledge of how this is done, but this knowledge can be restored.  To regain this knowledge, 'ask' from within, through your Christos.  See yourself as a living cell of the Divine Intelligence and then 'trust' that your requests will be answered.  As the physical brain is in touch with all parts of your body, through it's nervous system, the Divine Intelligence is in touch with all it's living souls through the Christos, or Holy Spirit.

Between sychronization and intuition lies a fine line.  Although they are two separate phenomenas, they almost seem to be two of the same.  In comparing the two, keep in mind that synchronicity happens 'out there' against the odds.  It is external.  Something in the universe seems to swing into place to answer an inner need we have.  Intuition, however, is internal.  It is our 'inner' knowing.  It is our ability to tune into knowledge in a nonrational and nonlinear way.  We know something, but just don't know how we know it.  But in both cases, it shows us just how much our lives are interwoven with everything within the Cosmic Intelligence and that we live in a world more intricately and holistically organized than we have ever imagined. 

Today's science now shows us that all atoms, cells, molecules, plants, animals and humans participate in a flowing web of information. Physicists have shown that if two photons are separated, no matter by how far, a change in one creates a simultaneous change in the other.  Through this obsevance, it would also indicate that one individual's thoughts and actions, being one living cell with the universal body, would have a direct influence on the whole. In the book, 'The Hundredth Monkey', by Ken Keyes, the theory was presented on how each of us affected the  whole unit of man.  It tells of a group of monkeys that were being studied in Japan.  One monkey within the group began washing a sweet potato in a particular way in the salt water there.  Soon all of the monkeys began mimicking this deed.  That observance in itself was not to be claimed as unusual, but after a certain number of these monkeys continued to act out this washing pattern, the same behaviorial pattern developed in another group of monkeys hundreds of miles away.  Science has labeled this as 'the critical mass within the species'.  They theorize that once a critical mass number is reached, the same behavior begins to appear in all of the other members of that same species.  Physicists  describe it as a 'phase transition', theorizing that when the molecules of atoms  align in a certain way and a critical mass number is reached, the rest of the atoms spontaneously line up the same way.  This invisible force does not only apply to the animal kingdom, but plants, insects and everything in the cosmos.  Scientists have reported that when liquid matter crystalizes on one part of the planet, the same process occurs almost simultaneously in another, without informational or physical contact.

The next time you feel that your thoughts have no importance, bear in mind that one monkey washing his sweet potato.  Close your eyes and allow time and space to fall away, as you become one with the Eternal Life Stream.  Set aside your feelingss of hate, fear, judgement, vanity and the rest of these deadly passions, as you connect with your universal brothers and sisters.  Know that you are not alone in this world.  Know that you are unique, but yet you are the same, for you are all one with the Divine Light, The IAM.  As a Child of God,, you carry the full potential of your Creator and contain the essence of everything that ever was and ever will be.  Through the Divine Laws of Manifestation, you are given the ability, through thought, to create miracles.  The greatest miracles are created through the power of Love.  If you use this power and join it with others, we have the capabilities to divert wars, hunger, poverty, bigotry, disease and distruction of nature.  
