What do these two figures share in common?
The American Dollar symbolizes Eastern Philosophy...................

The American One Dollar Bill
Our forefathers, representing the thirteen states, decided to act in the mutual interest of all to design the great seal , which we can see on the back of our dollar bill.  This seal is the statement of the ideals that brought together the formation of the United States of America. 

The United States is the first and only nation in the world that was ever established on the basis of 'REASON'  instead of warfare.  Notice on the dollar bill it says 'In God We Trust''.  But  dispite what we may think ..this is not the God of the Bible. These men , knowledgable of the Ancient Teachings, did not believe in The Fall. They did not believe that the mind  of man was cut off from God.  The mind of man, cleansed of secondary and temporal concerns, beholds the mirrored reflection of the rational mind of God. Thus all people in the world are capable of reason.  REASON puts him in touch with God.
This is the fundamental principle of democracy.  Because we are capable of true knowledge, our forefathers felt we didn't have to have a special authority, or a special revelation to tell us that this is the way things should be. Thus the 'God' signified here is a metaphor,  representing s the link we have ourselves to God through Reason. 

The Hindus  do not believe in revelation. They  speak of a state in which the ears have opened to the universal song. Here the eye has opened to the radiance of the mind of God.  This is a fundamental god idea.  Once you reject the idea of the Fall in the Garden, man is not cut off from his source.

Our forefathers were very conscious of the number thirteen.  It was no coincidence that our nation was formed with the origination of thirteen states.  The number thirteen is the number of transformation and rebirth. Christ was also aware of the importance when he brought together for the last supper himself plus  twelve apostles of whom were going to die and be reborn.

Going back to the Great Seal, as you count the number of ranges on this pyramid, you find there are thirteen.  Coming to the bottom, there is an inscription in Roman numerals.  It 1776.
Add 1 and 7 and 7 and 6 and you get 21.  This is the age of reason and accountability.  This is the same age that we use for our young adults to mark their age of accountablity. 

As I said the formation of the thirteen states was no coincidence.  This Union was then to form a new world, The United States. Notice the the inscription below 'Novus Ordo Seclorum' , meaning 'A New World Order'.   This New World Order is not  now ' just 'coming into being...it came into being with the United States of America.

The next inscription states 'Annuit Coeptis',which means, 'He has smiled on our accomplishments or our activities.' '  God gives us his blessing to go forth with a New World Order.

This New World Order was built through  REASON, represented by the  EYE ...located  at the top of the pyramid.  This Eye represents The Eye Of Horus. Horus was the God of Reason.

At the right side of the dollar bill is the EAGLE  This is the  incarnation principle of the highest god Zeus .
The American bald eagle comes down, descending into the world of the pairs of opposite, the field of action.
The first mode is of peace, represented by the clutched laurel leaf.
The other, alternative  mode is war, represented by the thirteen arrows that the eagle also clutches.  Notice however, the eagle is looking at the laurel leaf, indicating that we should always strive for diplomacy first over the principle of war.
There are nine feathers in his tail. Nine is the number of the descent of the divine power into the world.

Over the eagles head are THIRTEEN STARS arranged in the Star of David. This is also the Seal of Solomon.
Mythology tells us that Solomon used to seal monsters and giants and such things in jars.  This is where our Arabian Nights tale comes from of the genie in the jar.
There are two interlocking triangles that make up the thirteen stars. Each of the triangles are a Pythagorean Tetrakys.
The dot in the middle of the triangle represents the creative center out of which the universe and all things come.
We have thirteen points for our original thirteen states, and six apexes: one above, one below and four to the four quarters, giving us the sense that from whatever point of the compass we are at, the creative word may be heard. This is the great thesis of democracy. Democracy assumes that anybody from any quarter can speak, and speak truth,, because his mnd is not cut off from the truth.  All he has to do is clear out his passions and speak. 

Our forefathers believed that what destroys reason is passion and the the principal passion in politics is greed. 
The voice of reason is symbolized at the top of the pyramid. At the bottom of the pyramid you can only see from the side you are on, thus you can not use reason . But by climbing to the top of the pyramid you can judge wisely because you can look down and see all sides. In other words, by overcoming our animal passions, we then are no longer guided by the planets but by reason and thus can become one with God 


The symbols of the American Dollar are masonic and the meaning of the Pythagorean tetrakis has been known for centuries.  Our forefathers were  learned men and knew the messages behind the symbols. From my understanding , with the exception of one president, all of our presidents have belonged to the Masonic Order. What we see here is a scholarly attempt to reconstruct an order of initiation that would result in a spiritual revelation. 

In Egypt, the pyramid repesent the primordial hillock.  After the annual flood of the Nile begins to go down, the firs hillock is symbolic of the reborn world  This is why the representation of the pyramid is used on our dollar indicating that the United States is the New World .

If you look beyond the pyramid, you see a desert. If you look before it, you see plants growing.  The desert represented the tumult in Europe , wars and more wars. We have pulled ourselves out of it and created a state in the name of Reason, not in the name of Power, and out of that will come the flowering of the new life.  This  belief is shown in the landscape of the Pyramid.

The Eye of Horus is a powerful symbol of protection. It is considered to bring wisdom, health and prosperity.
Horus was one of the most important Egyptian gods - a sun-god represented as a falcon or with the head of a hawk, whose right eye was the Sun an left eye was the Moon.  The eye of Horus on our dollar is the left eye of Horus.
He was the son of Osiris (god of the underworld) and Isis (our mother goddess).
The Eye of Horus Symbol was used in funeral rites and decoration, as instructed per the Egyptian Book of the Dead. After 1200 B.C., it was also used to represent fractions, based on repeated division by two..

Mary Sutherland @2001
The American Dollar Symbolizes Eastern Philosophy. Learn how to read the Ancient Mysteries by Simply Understanding the Symbologies used on the American Dollar Bill.  Why did our American Forefathers use Symbology on the Dollar? Read Below to find out..
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