王允(Wang Yun)のはかりごとは楽女の貂蝉(Diao Chan)をめぐって董卓(Dong Zhuo)と呂布(Lu Bu)を相争わせるように仕向けることでした。董卓の側近の李儒(Li Ru)はこの計略を見抜くのですが董卓は真剣に耳を傾けようとはしません。これが命取りになるのですが....

Lu Bu 呂布Dong Zhuo 董卓 Diao Chan 貂蝉Li Ru 李儒



Chapter IX:Lu Bu Kills Dong Zhuo For Wang Yun; Li Jue Attacks The Capital On Jia Xu's Advice.


Dong Zhuo went to his private rooms and called Diao Chan. "What were you doing there with Lu Bu?" said he.

She began to weep, saying, "Thy handmaid was in the garden among the flowers, when he rushed in on me. I was frightened and ran away. He asked why I ran away from a son of the family and pursued me right to the Phoenix Pavilion, where you saw us. He had that halberd in his hand all the time. I felt he was a vicious man and would force me to his will, so I tried to throw myself into the lily pond, but he caught me in his arms and held me so that I was helpless. Luckily just at that moment you came and saved my life!"

"Suppose I send you to him," said Dong Zhuo. Stunned, she wailed profusely, "What have thy handmaid done? My honor of serving Your Highness could not bear to be given to a mere underling! Never! I would rather die!"
And with this she snatched down a dagger hanging on the wall to kill herself. Dong Zhuo plucked it from her hand and, throwing his arms about her, and cried, "I was only joking!"

She lay back on his breast hiding her face and sobbing bitterly. "This is the doing of that Li Ru," said she. "He is much too thick with Lu Bu. He suggested that, I know. Little he cares for the Imperial Rector's reputation or my life. Oh! I could eat him alive!"

"Do you think I could bear to lose you?" said Dong Zhuo. "Though you love me yet I must not stay here. That Lu Bu will try to ruin me if I do. I fear him!" "We will go to Meiwo tomorrow, you and I, and we will be happy together and have no cares." She dried her tears and thanked him.

Next day Li Ru came again to persuade Dong Zhuo to send the damsel to Lu Bu. "This is a propitious day," said Li Ru. "He and I standing in the relation of father and son. I cannot very well do that," said Dong Zhuo. "But I will say no more about his fault. You may tell him so and soothe him as well as you can." "You are not being beguiled by the woman, are you?" said Li Ru. Dong Zhuo colored, saying, "Would you like to give your wife to some body else? Do not talk about this any further. It would be better not to!"

Li Ru left the chamber. When he got outside, he cast his eyes up to heaven, saying, "We are dead people---slain by the hand of this girl!"




