第三十七課: 張飛、劉岱を生け捕る
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

袁紹(Yuan Shao)出兵に対抗するため曹操(Cao Cao)は軍の主力を河北に向け、徐州(Xuzhou)へは王忠(Wang Zhong)、劉岱(Liu Dai)に5万の兵と曹操の旗を与えます。曹操がいないと見抜いた劉備(Liu Bei)軍はまず関羽(Guan Yu)が王忠を生け捕りにします。これを見た張飛(Zhang Fei)、今度は自分に劉岱生け捕りの任を与えてほしいと劉備に志願します。
張飛は自分の大酒飲みの悪い癖を逆手に取り、見事劉岱の生け捕りに成功します。これには劉備も感心し、「張飛は乱暴なだけがとりえと思っていたが、このように計略も使えるようになったとは。うれしいぞ」(Hitherto Zhang Fei has been rather violent, but this time he has acted wisely, and I am very pleased.)と張飛の計略をほめます。張飛も頭脳プレーが出来るとアピールした一幕でした。


Liu Dai 劉岱

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 臣道の巻、不戦不和


Chapter XXII: Yuan Shao And Cao Cao Both Take The Field;
Guan Yu And Zhang Fei Captures Two Generals.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

The capture of his colleague made Liu Dai careful. He strengthened his defenses and kept behind them. He took no notice of the daily challenges and continual insults which began with Zhang Fei's arrival.

After some days Zhang Fei evolved a ruse.He issued orders to prepare to rush the enemy's camp at night, but he himself spent the day drinking.Pretending to be very intoxicated, he held a court-martial, and one soldier was severely flogged for a breach of discipline.

The man was left bound in the midst of the camp, Zhang Fei saying, "Wait till I am ready to start tonight: You shall be sacrificed to the flag."

At the same time he gave secret orders to the custodians to let the man escape. The man found his opportunity, crept out of camp, and went over to the enemy, to whom he betrayed the plan of a night attack.As the man bore signs of savage punishment, Liu Dai was the more disposed to credit his desertion and tale.So Liu Dai made his arrangements, putting the greater part of his troops in ambush outside his camp so that it was empty.

That night, having divided his army into three parties, Zhang Fei went to attack the camp.A few men were ordered to advance directly, dash in and set fire going.Two larger bodies of troops were to go round to the rear of the camp and attack when they saw the fire well started.At the third watch, Zhang Fei, with his veterans, went to cut off Liu Dai's road to the rear.

The thirty men told off to start a conflagration made their way into the camp and were successful.When the flames arose, the ambushing troops rushed out but only to find themselves attacked on both sides.This confused them, and as they knew nothing of the number of their assailants, they were panic stricken and scattered.

Liu Dai, with a company of footmen got clear of the fight and fled, but he went straight toward Zhang Fei. Escape was impossible, and the two men rode up each to attack the other. Zhang Fei captured his opponent, and the men surrendered. Zhang Fei sent news of this success to his brothers.

Liu Bei said, "Hitherto Zhang Fei has been rather violent, but this time he has acted wisely, and I am very pleased."

They rode out to welcome Zhang Fei.

"You said I was too rough. How now?" said Zhang Fei to his brothers.

"If I had not put you on your mettle, you would not have evolved this stratagem," said Liu Bei.

Zhang Fei laughed. Then appeared the captive Liu Dai, in bonds.

Liu Bei at once dismounted and loosed the cords, saying, "My young brother was rather hasty, but you must pardon him."

So Liu Dai was freed. He was taken into the city, his colleague was released, and both were cared for.



