暴君董卓(Dong Zhuo)は暗殺され、平和が戻ったかに見えましたが、呂布(Lu Bu)、王允(Wang Yun)、らの追撃を逃れた董卓の腹心の部下李カク(Li Jie) 郭シ(Guo Si) ハンチョウ(Fan Chou) 張済(Zhang Ji)らは体制を建て直し反撃に出ます。呂布(Lu Bu) も大軍にはなす術もなく逃亡を図ります。王允(Wang Yun)は塔より身を投げ無残な最期を遂げます。

Li Jie 李カク Lu Bu 呂布 Dong Zhuo 董卓
Guo Si 郭シ Zhang Ji 張済 Fan Chou ハンチョウ
Yuan Shu
袁術 Wang Yun王允
The Gate of Pervading Peace 宣平門

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 群星の巻 大権転々


Chapter IX:Lu Bu Kills Dong Zhuo For Wang Yun; Li Jue Attacks The Capital On Jia Xu's Advice.

Then a remnant of Dong Zhuo's adherents still in the city, led by Li Meng and Wang Fang, began to lend aid to the attackers; and a few days later they secretly opened the city gate and the besiegers poured in. Lu Bu exerted himself to the utmost but could not stem the tide. At the head of some hundred horse, he dashed over to the Black Lock Gate and called out to Wang Yun, who was on the other side. "The case is desperate now. Ride with me to a place of safety!"

 Wang Yun replied, "If I am gifted with the spirit of the state, I shall succeed in restoring the tranquillity which I desire. But if I have it not, then I offer my body as a sacrifice. I will not quail before dangers. Send my thanks to the noble supporters beyond the Pass for their efforts, and bid them remember their country!" Lu Bu urged Wang Yun again and again, but Wang Yun would not leave. Soon flames started up all over the city, and Lu Bu had to leave, abandoning his family to their fate. He fled to seek refuge with Yuan Shu.

Li Jue, Guo Si, and his fellow leaders gave full license to their ruffians, who robbed and murdered their fill. Many high officers perished. Ministers Chong Fu, Lu Kui, and Zhou Huan, Imperial Commanders Cui Lie and Wang Qin all died in the fighting. In time the rebels penetrated to the inner part of the Palace, and the courtiers begged the Emperor to proceed to the Gate of Pervading Peace to try to quell the rioting. At sight of the yellow umbrella, Li Jue and Fan Chou checked their armies, and they all shouted, "Wan shui! Long life! O Emperor!" The Emperor stood by the tower and addressed them, "Nobles, what means it that you enter the capital in this unruly manner and without my summons?" The two leaders looked up and said, "Dong Zhuo, Your Majesty's Prime Minister, has been slain by Wang Yun, and we are here to avenge him. We are no rebels, Sire. Let us only have Wang Yun, and we draw off our troops." Wang Yun was actually among the courtiers and at the Emperor's side.

Hearing this demand, Wang Yun said, "The plan was made for the benefit of the Throne. But as this evil has grown therefrom, Your Majesty will not grudge losing me. I have brought about evil, and I will go down to these rebels." The Emperor was torn with sorrow and wavered. But the faithful minister leaped from the wall, crying, "Wang Yun is here!" The two leaders drew their swords, crying, "For what crime was our master slain?" "His crimes filled the heavens and covered the earth: No tongue can tell them. The day he died was a day of rejoicing in the whole city as you well know," said Wang Yun. "And if he was guilty of some crime, what had we done not to be forgiven?" "Seditious rebels, why bandy words? I am ready to die." And Wang Yun was slain at the foot of the tower.




