
He came out to welcome them, bowed and then seized his brother's hands while tears streamed down his face
The sons are Guan Neng, who is a student, and Guan Ping, who is to be a soldier
I have been thinking of sending the younger in your train, Gen
Since, O Senior, you are so kind, I venture to suggest that your son should be adopted by my brother, who has no son of his own. What think you of that
Guan Ding was perfectly willing, so he called Guan Ping and bade him make a son's obeisance to Guan Yu and to style Liu Bei "Uncle."V
Before they had gone very far, they met Zhou Cang with a small party. He was wounded.
Before I reached the hill, a certain warrior all alone, had fought with my friend Pei Yuanshao and killed him
I got angry and engaged the interloper, who however worsted me time after time and wounded me thrice.
All I know he is a doughty fighter, I do not know his name
When they drew near, Zhou Cang began to abuse his enemy, who soon appeared, mailed and armed, coming down the hill like a tornado.
O Zhao Yun, I am here to look for you!"
Liu Bei dismounted to talk with him and ask how he came to be there.
When I left you, I had no idea that Gongsun Zan was a man who would listen to no reason.
The result was disaster, and he perished in the flames. Yuan Shao invited me to him several times, but I thought too little of him to go.
So I drifted from one place to another with nowhere to rest till I happened to come this way, and Pei Yuanshao tried to steal my horse.
So I slew him and took possession of his camp
I heard Zhang Fei was in Gucheng but thought it might be only a rumor. And so the days have passed till this happy meeting.
The first time I saw you, I felt drawn to you and did not want to part from you. I am very happy to meet you again
In all my wanderings, trying to find a lord worth serving, I have seen no one like you. Now I have reached your side, that is enough for all my life. I care not what may happen to me