An Ordinary Life

Part Five: Guess Whose Coming To Joe’s



Dr. Adam Pierson sat at his desk swamped beneath a pile of paperwork. The most tedious part of his job was the reading and grading of term papers. His eyes crossed involuntarily after the thirteenth discourse on the customs of a long fallen civilization. Rubbing his forehead to relieve the tension, he chided himself on the follies of teaching. Visions of warm sandy beaches danced across his closed eyelids, followed by images of a bikini-clad redhead resting alongside of him. His mind wandered in thought.

“Blast it!” A quick glance at his office clock revealed he had indeed lost track of time and was going to be late for his date with Stevie. “Of all bloody nights!” he exclaimed to his empty office. This was the night he was going to introduce her to his friends. “Damn it all to hell!” He shoved a stack of papers into his satchel.

Dialing her number, he resumed the gathering of his belongings.

After four rings, “Hello, Roderick residence. Can I help you?” came a teenaged voice. Damn, the baby-sitter was there already. “Hello, Jenny. This is Dr. Pierson. Could I please speak with Stevie?” Adam was grateful that she at least held the receiver away from her mouth as she yelled for Stevie.

Hearing the woman in question pick up the other phone, Jenny said, “Goodnight, Dr. Pierson.” and hung up the phone. “I think she has a crush on you, sweetie pie.”

Adam chose to ignore her observation, “Listen, luv, I am running a little late. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

Stevie slipped into her black boots, “Tell you what. Why don’t we just meet up somewhere? By the time you drive out here and we drive back to town, we’ll really be late.”

Methos looked at his watch and knew she was right. “Ok. Why don’t you just meet me at Joe’s then?” he told her as he gave her directions. He also asked her not to introduce herself until he got there. He wanted to do the honors.

“See ya there, Adam,” Stevie said, “Drive safe.” I love you.

Adam smiled and hung up the phone. “I love you.” The empty room was the only one to hear his confession.


“So, what’s the old man up to, darling Amanda?” Duncan prodded unsuccessfully. Amanda could be a very convincing liar when the occasion called for it. “I haven’t the foggiest idea what you are talking about, Duncan. All he said was that he wanted to talk to us tonight. That’s all I know. I swear.” The Scot held the car door for her as she made a graceful exit from the T-Bird and into Joe’s bar. The bar was pretty crowded for a weeknight, but as favored patrons they were always guaranteed a table.

“Dawson, how are you this fine evening?” Mac shook the gray haired bartender’s hand.

“Fine, I suppose. A little paranoid about Adam’s plan for the evening.”

“This is a public place, so whatever it is can’t be that bad.”

Joe shrugged his shoulders. “The old man is up to something. That scares me.”

Richie made his final selections at the jukebox and sauntered over to the bar to greet his friends. The entrance of a tall redhead interrupted his progress. Ever the young man on the prowl, he waited until she secured a table before he made his move. Wow, she’s definitely a babe. He noted how attractive she was dressed in light blue jeans, white T-shirt, and longer black jacket.

“Excuse me, but is this seat taken?” He gestured to the empty chair next to her.

“No, not yet,” she answered. Taking that as an invitation, Richie settled himself into the chair.

Offering his hand and best smile, “The name is Richie. Richie Ryan.”

Charmed by his attitude and grin, she took his hand, “Good to meet you, Richie. I’m Stevie Roderick.”

Encouraged by her response, Richie pressed on. “Your first time here at Joe’s?”

Stevie nodded her head, “Yeah. Nice place.”

Richie grinned, “Just wait til the band gets started. Best blues in Seacouver. The owner’s a friend of mine, so I can get us some pretty sweet seats later on tonight.”

“That sounds nice, but I’m meeting someone. He should be here anytime now,” she interrupted.

Disappointed but not defeated, Richie proposed, “How ‘bout a glass of wine while you wait? My treat.” Smiling at his persistence, Stevie watched as he made his way through the crowd to the bar. Richie hurried to the bar to place his order. Of course Duncan and Joe teased him unmercifully.

“Ah, young Richie strikes again,” the bartender teased.

“With that thousand megawatt smile, how can the ladies resist?” Duncan observed from his barstool.

“Cut it out, guys,” Richie growled in irritation. When would they ever take him seriously? “Joe, I need a beer and a white wine for the lady.” The two men only smirked at the younger man’s hostility.

Amanda, on the other hand, knew it was easier to catch flies with honey. “Whose your friend, Richard?” she questioned innocently, trying to divert his attention away from the smirking Highlander and Watcher.

A slow grin spread across the young man’s face. “Her name’s Stevie. God, isn’t she hot?”

Duncan and Joe had to agree with his assessment. Amanda sat stunned by his revelation. “Well, gotta run,” and he took the drinks back to her table.

Amanda couldn’t suppress a giggle. This was too good! She knew the reason for tonight’s visit to Joe’s. Methos had let it slip that he was going to introduce Stevie to his friends. Her grin grew wider as she wondered where the old coot could be. “Let the games begin,” she thought aloud, puzzling the two men beside her.

Methos slowed the Rover as he passed in front of Joe’s. Spotting the familiar black Jeep Wrangler, he drove around in search of a spot to park his truck. Seeing no available parking spaces, he turned into the alley behind the bar. Traffic had been a bitch. Glancing quickly at the console clock, he shrugged into his coat. Only ten minutes late. Running his hands through his short hair, Methos peered into the rearview mirror and then headed into Joe’s.

Methos’ approaching buzz alerted the other immortals, but since they were expecting him no one seemed too concerned. Coming in through the storeroom, Joe, Duncan, and Amanda were the first to spot him.

Joe called out as Methos strode past the bar, “Hey, Adam, want a beer?” Methos continued on without a backward glance. “Did he just ignore me?” Joe asked amazed.

“Just observe, Watcher,” Amanda advised, cryptically.

Just as Richie was about to make his move, he saw Stevie glance around him. The approaching buzz and her next words sent goose bumps up his skin. Rising from her chair, she gestured to the advancing Immortal, “Adam!”

Richie’s face paled a shade or two. Holy shit! Methos! The young immortal lowered his head in disbelief. Of all the women in the world, he would try to pick up Methos’ girlfriend. Not that he was afraid of Methos, really, but he did have a healthy respect for five thousand years of sword experience.

Hugging her to him, Methos whispered, “Sorry, I’m late.”

Her soft breath tickled his ear, “You can make it up to me later, Adam.”

Methos quirked an eyebrow, “Promise?” Noticing Richie for the first time, he turned and greeted the young man seated at the table. “Good evening, Ryan.”

Sensing no animosity in the elder immortal’s greeting, Richie breathed a sigh of relief. Standing, he shook Methos’ hand, “How’s it goin’, Adam?”

Stevie’s eyes darted between the two men. “You two know each other?” Grinning widely, they nodded in response. “The world just keeps getting smaller and smaller.”

“Since you two have already met,” Adam said, leading Stevie over to the bar, “let’s go meet the others.” Richie trailed along behind them.

Joe hefted a beer mug over to the tap and filled it in anticipation. The bartender noticed his friend’s possessive arm around the lovely young woman at his side. ‘Hmm, looks like the old man’s been busy,’ Joe thought. Since Alexa died, Methos had become more of a loner, avoiding the opposite sex as much as possible. Methos had patiently endured the blind dates he and Duncan had set up for him, knowing they were concerned for him. They had finally realized that moving on was something he would have to do in his own time. Now it looked like that time had come.

Duncan’s hearty welcome brought the Watcher out of his thoughts. “Well it’s about time, Adam,” the Scot teased, extending his hand in friendship.

Clasping the hand in his own, Methos retorted, “Nice to see you, too, MacLeod.”

After the initial small talk, a long silence prevailed. Everyone waited in eager anticipation for Methos to make the opening move. Amanda, perched on her barstool, grinned like a Cheshire cat at his oblivious discomfort. The old man felt like a nervous teenager introducing his girlfriend to his parents. Get it together. This is not a big deal. Just make the introductions and get it over with before you hurl!
Taking a deep breath he began, “Um...Stevie, this is Joe, Duncan, and Amanda. You’ve already met Richie,” pointing to each in turn. Resting a firm hand on her waist, Methos willed the nervousness from his frame, “Guys, this is Stevie.”

The three people welcomed her enthusiastically.

Joe slid the mug down the counter. “This explains why we haven’t seen you lately.”

“Let’s see, you guys or a beautiful woman, it’s really hard choice to make.”

“So, Stevie, where did you meet Adam?” Amanda asked.

“He nearly mowed me down on campus.”

Joe refilled her wineglass. “Five bucks says he had his nose buried in some book.”

Stevie laughed. “Didn’t even see me coming; books went everywhere. At least he was a gentleman and helped me pick up the stuff.”

“That’s our Adam, always lending a helping hand.” Duncan pinched the aforementioned cheek.

Methos glared at Duncan. “I’ll lend you a hand alright, MacLeod. Right up side your thick Scottish skull.”

“When does the band start playing?” Stevie asked Adam to divert his attention away from Duncan.

Joe smiled. “Any requests?” While Joe joined the band, the others relocated to a table near the stage.

“You met Adam on campus? Are you a student there?” Duncan asked.

“Yeah, I’m going back to school. Right now, I’m getting the basics taken care of; still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I’m tired of working my butt off for crappy pay.”

Richie nodded. “I know what you mean. I’m going part-time while I work at the motorcycle shop. After I get my business degree, I want to own my own shop and someone else can work for me.”

“Watch out Bill Gates!” Methos teased.

“Duncan, Adam tells me you run a dojo. I’m thinking about taking a self defense class, maybe I’ll stop by and sign up for a class.”

“I’ll send a brochure home with Adam.”

As the band began to play, the group sat in silent admiration. Fingers and feet tapped along with the music. Methos rested his chin on his date’s shoulder and softly sang or hummed along with the words of the songs he knew. Amanda’s hand rested on the highlander’s leg. Giving his leg a squeeze, she nodded in the other couple’s direction. Duncan smiled at Amanda’s gesture. It seemed like their friend was happy.

It was inevitable. He would have to tell Stevie about his immortality at some point. Their relationship was growing more and more serious. So far he had been able to avoid all immortals besides Mac, Amanda, and Richie. His luck was about to run out.

“Adam, that was a good movie,” Stevie argued as she climbed out of her jeep.

Adam came around the car and took her hand in his. “It wasn’t bad...for a chick flick,” he teased. The two walked down the street towards their next stop for the evening, Joe’s.

“Duncan and Amanda are supposed to save us a table.”

“It should be packed tonight. Joe’s band is playing,” Adam added. Halfway down the street, Methos felt the buzz. Knowing instantly it wasn’t a friend, his guard instinctively coming up.
A tall figure emerged from the shadows of a doorway, “Patrick Butler. I want your head.”

The unmistakable sound of a sword leaving its scabbard heightened his guard. Turning to Stevie, he issued one command as he pulled the Ivanhoe from his coat, “Go. Get. Duncan!”

Stevie stood rooted to the ground. What the hell was going on? “Adam?”

Gone was the calm, hesitant demeanor of Adam Pierson, Methos was firmly in his place. He repeated his earlier command this time it set Stevie in motion. As soon as she was on her way the battle began. Sword met sword each testing and studying the other’s technique and skill. Butler was the same height as Methos, but was built solidly like Duncan. What Methos lacked in bulk, he more than made up in skill and endurance. He had too much to live for now. His sole concentration was on his opponent and how to defeat him.

Stevie felt as though her lungs would burst as she plowed through the door to Joe’s bar. Hurrying through the doorway she spotted Duncan and Amanda, leaning against the bar, deep in conversation with the owner of the club. Quickening her pace she crossed to the bar.

“Hey, Stevie, where’s Adam?” Joe asked. Seeing the fear and panic on her face, he questioned, “What’s the matter?”

Her breathing was rapid and tears had started to fall from her eyes, “Someone’s after Adam. They’re out in the alley. Duncan, you’ve got to help him.” Knowing immediately what the situation was, he grabbed up his coat and headed for the door, the women trailing close behind.

The eerie sound of metal against metal rang out in the alleyway. Although both combatants were covered in blood it was easy to see that the old man was controlling the fight. Methos sword engaged the other man’s wresting it from Butler’s grip, sending it clattering to the pavement. Duncan stood in silence his own katana in hand. Bound by the rule of one on one, he waited for the battle to end.

“Duncan, why aren’t you doing anything?” Stevie yelled at him.

“It’s almost over, Stevie. Then we’ll explain.”

Amanda stood beside her friend arms around her. “It’ll be alright,” she told the frightened young woman at her side.

In one precise movement, Butler went to his knees, knowing his life was about to come crashing to an end. Methos raised his sword above his head bringing it down in a forceful arc, cleanly severing the head from it’s resting place. Stevie’s gasp of shock brought him out of his trance. His eyes met hers, and mouthed the words, “I’m sorry,” as the throes of the Quickening overtook him. The white-blue mist trailed out of Butler’s body rose up and hovered over Methos.

Standing, sword in hand, Methos lifted his arms toward the heavens and the mist encircled him. The wind picked up loose pieces of trash that littered the alleyway, swirling like a mini tornado. From out of nowhere lightening lit the night sky, congregating over the victorious immortal. The bolts of light assailed him, the ever-familiar surges of another’s memories ripping through him. Over and over his body shuddered with the force of the Quickening.

Duncan and Amanda had moved Stevie to safety knowing the force a Quickening could create. She watched in stunned amazement at the scene playing out before her. Adam was gripped in the center of a raging storm. An invisible force, his face a combination of pleasure and agony, was assaulting his body. Duncan and Amanda did their best to console her, while they waited for the light show to end.

Within moments the Quickening came rapidly to an end. Released from its grasp, Methos sank to his knees, gasping heavily trying to regain his control. Stevie couldn’t name all the emotions that ran through her at that moment, but the one that consumed her was relief. Twisting from Duncan’s grasp, she ran to the man kneeling on the ground. Sinking to her knees, she drew him into her arms and stroked his hair. Gradually, his breathing returned to normal. The other two immortals stood watching the couple kneeling on the pavement. Stevie helped Adam to his feet, concern clearly obvious on her strained features.

Duncan snapped back to reality. “You guys wait here while I go get the car.”

The three remaining friends waited anxiously for his return. The T-bird came screeching to a halt. Methos opened the door and collapsed wearily in the backseat. Stevie scooted in next to him, and returned him to her embrace. Amanda slammed the door shut as Duncan headed the car toward his loft. Silence permeated the car ride, no one sure what to say.

Almost to Duncan’s loft, his cell phone rang, causing all the occupants to jump in surprise. “MacLeod,” was his response as flipped the phone on.

The worried voice of Joe Dawson greeted him, “Mac....”

Before the watcher could continue, the Scot cut him off, “Look everyone is fine. I can’t talk right now. I’ll call you later.” Closing his phone, he parked the car at the curb. Unlocking the door, he held it open as everyone slowly walked inside and gathered on the lift. The lift groaned and carried its passengers to the top floor.

The sickly sweet smell of blood clung to Methos body. His clothes were torn and filthy. Another lovely sweater sacrificed to the damn Game. Leading Stevie to the couch, he tenderly stroked her cheek, “I’m going to get cleaned up and then I’ll tell you what happened tonight, okay?”

She shook her head in silent acknowledgment and he hurried to the bathroom. Amanda poured them all a glass of brandy, sitting next Stevie. Duncan rummaged through his dresser drawers looking for a pair of Methos’ jeans and a t-shirt. Finding them he entered the bathroom and left them for the other immortal. His mission accomplished he sank into one of the easy chairs and sipped his brandy, waiting for his friend’s arrival.

The hot water poured over the weary immortal. He longed to stand under warm massage until the water grew cold, but he had more important tasks at hand. Rinsing the last of the evening’s battle from his frame, he stepped from the shower drying the water from his body. Finding the clothes his friend had left for him, he dressed and went to face the crisis at hand.

He padded across the floor and sat next to Stevie. Amanda moved to sit on the arm of Duncan’s chair. Methos dreaded meeting her gaze. This could be the end of their relationship, something he did not want to happen. How do you do confess what words can’t explain? Taking a deep, steadying breath, he plunged right into his confession. Immortality, swords, beheadings, the Game, the telltale buzz of other immortals and the Quickenings. Stevie listened quietly as he poured forth the fantastic story, not leaving out any details. A deafening hush settled in the room. Methos inwardly cringed afraid of what her silence meant.

Stevie sat in stunned silence, her mind trying to comprehend the information she had just heard. On some level she had suspected Adam had some secret and she hadn’t pushed him for details. Her grandmother had often told her that the eyes were the windows to the soul. How many times had she watched him; his eyes filled with more experience than someone his age should hold. He always looked away before she could be sure of what she saw. Stevie closed her eyes and replayed the last few weeks over in her mind. No matter what had just happened, her heart told her happiness was fleeting and you had to grab it wherever you could find it.
Methos sat frozen; his head lowered waiting for her decision. Her hand reached over and lifted his chin up so she could look into his face. Stevie’s mind raced trying to grasp the meaning of what Methos had just confessed. Methos nerves stretched tighter and tighter as the silence became overwhelming. Finally, he spoke. “I know this all sounds ludicrous. Believe me I have a hard time understanding it sometimes, but it doesn’t change how I feel about you or us.”

“I won’t pretend like I understand what you just told me,” she started, “but I cannot walk away from you, not now.” She looked to Duncan and Amanda, “Amanda, Duncan, you guys are immortal, aren’t you?” They nodded in response. That explained the subtle change in his demeanor whenever Duncan or Amanda came into the room. “Is Joe and Richie?”

Duncan replied, “Richie is, but not Joe.”

“Could we go somewhere and talk about this, Adam?” She stood up and walked over to where he stood. “We need to talk about this and I’d prefer if it was just you and me.”

“Sure, let me get our coats,” Methos answered. Maybe this was a good sign. Surely if she was willing to go somewhere alone with him to talk... Don’t read too much in to this, old man, the voice in his head warned.

While Methos gathered up their coats Amanda walked over to Stevie. “A lot has happened tonight, I know. He loves you, Stevie. Just give him a chance, he’s one of a kind.”

Methos held her coat open while she slipped into it. Donning his own battered trench coat, he gently took her hand in his. “Ready?” he asked squeezing her hand softly.

Nodding her head they headed down the backstairs. Standing on the curb, they hailed a cab and rode in silence to his apartment. He knew that showing her his place would help document the story he had told her earlier at MacLeod’s loft. The light of the street lamps briefly lit their faces. Methos’ was set in grim determination and his companion’s was one of shock.

After the cab dropped them off, they quietly trudged up the stairs to his apartment. Sliding the key into the lock, he pushed open the door and flipped on the lights. Bigger than MacLeod’s, his loft was one big open space. A massive king sized bed dominated one corner of the area. The living area was home to a couple of overstuffed leather sofas and oversized easy chairs, which faced an impressive home audio system. Absent mindedly, Methos walked over and hit the play button on the stereo, anything to fill the silence.

“Would you care for something to drink, Stevie?” he asked her, as the soothing sounds of an acoustic guitar filled the loft.

“A glass of wine would be nice,” she answered as she sank down onto the welcoming sofa. Heading to the kitchen, he poured her glass of wine and retrieved a bottle of beer for himself. Taking a seat beside her, he passed her the glass. “Thank you,” she said as she sipped her drink.

Catching her gaze, he smiled hesitantly, “I can’t imagine what you make of all this.”

“There are so many things going on my mind. I don’t even know where to begin.” Stevie sat the wineglass on the end table. “Were you ever going to tell me?”

“Yes, certainly not by way of what happened tonight, but, yes, I was going to tell you.”

He went to stand by the window. Out there people lived normal lives, never fearing ending up at the wrong end of a sword. A sort of life he couldn’t comprehend he realized as he leaned his forehead against the cool surface of the glass.
“Were you afraid I’d betray you?”

Spinning around, he answered emphatically, “No, never that. You would never do that.”

“This seems like something out of an episode of the Twilight Zone,” Stevie said. “If I hadn’t seen it for myself I’d never believe it.”

“It’s the only life I’ve known.”

“How are old you?”

That was the question most people wanted to know, right behind his real name. He was extremely selective about revealing this information. As Methos, the oldest immortal, he was the target for every power hungry headhunter in the Game. The people who knew his true identity numbered less than twenty and he preferred to keep it that way.

Now he had to decide what to tell the woman sitting on his couch. He was pretty sure no one would discount whatever number he gave her, but he knew he couldn’t lie to her. Alexa had never known the secret of his long existence. It had seemed too cruel to say, “Luv, I know your dying, but guess what…I’m an immortal and I’m five thousand years old.” It felt right to tell Stevie and maybe it would assuage some of the guilt he’d carried since Alexa's passing.

“You really want to know?”

“Yes.” Stevie nodded her head. “I think so. I don’t know.””

“You won’t believe me,” he stated honestly.

“I guess I’ll just have to trust you, I guess,” Stevie replied. “I can trust you, can’t I?”

“Depends on who you ask.”

“I’m asking you,” she said tightly.

Methos prepared to drop the bomb. “You might want to stay seated for this.”

Methos allowed the carefully constructed facade of Adam Pierson to fade and the ancient personality of Methos to surface. “I am Methos, the eldest immortal and I have roamed the face of this earth for the last five thousand years.”

If the revelation of his immortality had been a shock, then this was the icing on the cake.

“You’re kidding me.” She whispered, hoping he would laugh and tell her this had all been some kind of joke. “I know you like to tease me, but be serious, Adam.”

The look in his eyes assured her he was perfectly serious. “I am.”

Stevie closed her eyes. At this point she wasn’t sure whether she felt like laughing or crying. Somehow both emotions seemed appropriate. She always thought her life was so ordinary, in a span of a couple of hours it had taken on a whole new dimension.

“You’re not kidding.” She stood up and paced for a while. “That’s like before Jesus and all.”


“How is that possible, Adam? You barely look thirty.”

“Looks can be deceiving, but it’s true.” Adam went on. “Immortals don’t age physically past the age of their first death.”

“I can tell you’re not lying, but five thousand years. Adam, I can’t even get my mind around that number.”

“I can show you artifacts and speak to you in obscure languages, but you’re going to have to trust me on most of it.”

“I trust you, Adam, more than I’ve ever trusted anyone.” Her pacing stopped. “Please tell me I’m not wrong about that.”

“I have no intention of hurting you, Stevie.”

“I must seem so childish to you.”

“You’re an adult and I’m an adult. Granted I’m a little bit older than you, but for all intents and purposes we are the same.”

“Just a little bit older than me? Somehow that seems like the understatement of the year.” Stevie smiled. Methos returned her smile. “It might take some time for me to understand all of this, but I’m willing to try.”

Methos arms embraced her. “Stay here with me tonight, Stevie. Please let me love you.”

Knowing there was no way she could deny his plea, she took his hand and led him to the bed that awaited them. Slowly their mouths met, tentatively exploring already familiar territory. Tenderly, Methos began to undo the buttons on her blouse. Stevie closed her eyes, relishing the warm feel of his hands on her skin. Pushing the garment from her, he bent to kiss the soft skin of her collarbone and neck. Her fingers wove their way through his hair, pulling him ever closer to her. Lifting her into his arms he carefully laid her on the bed, and then joined her. Tugging his shirt free from his pants, her fingers nimbly unbuttoned his shirt and massaged the bare skin of his chest. Methos let himself be pushed back onto the bed, sensing she needed to set the tone for this bout of lovemaking. The fact they were in this situation after the night’s events surprised him, but somewhere in the back of his mind he had hoped that Stevie would be able to handle all of this.

Methos closed his eyes and wiped all thoughts from his mind as he concentrated on the touch of the woman’s hands roaming over his body. His breath drew in sharply as the hands found the buttons on his jeans. One by one each button popped from its hole. Just breathe, old man became his mantra as he felt the denim sliding from his legs. Hearing them land on the floor by the bed, followed by another pair of jeans, he slowly opened his eyes and sought out the woman, assaulting his senses. She knelt beside him on the bed, love clearly showing in the way she was looking at him.

“Make love to me, Adam.”

In a flash, the remaining pieces of clothing were discarded. Hands, mouths, and lips mapped uncharted areas. Passionate kisses trailed along sensitive flesh, leaving both partners flushed with anticipation. In one swift motion, Methos rolled over onto Stevie.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” his voice husky with desire.

Enjoying the weight of his body on hers, she shifted her body to accommodate him. “It’s the one thing I’m most sure about,” she assured him as she pulled him down further.

Neither one was ready for the pleasure that awaited them. Both abandoned any inhibitions, and sought only to please the other, each giving as good as they got. As wave after wave of ecstasy and pleasure broke over them, each knew they found a soul mate in the other.

Methos cradled Stevie in his arms, planting a kiss on her forehead. “I love you, Stevie.”

Snuggling in closer, she laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. “I love you, too, Adam.” Content, they fell asleep within minutes of each other.


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Chapter Index

Continued In
Part Six-- I've Gotta Secret