By Susan

RATING: PG-13 for language (No worse than the show!)
BETA'D by: MnD, Jo, and Jim
CHARACTERS: T/Q, H, M, G, V, CM, and just about everyone else!
DISCLAIMER: I, sadly, do not own the characters of QoS. They haunt my imagination, though, so I feel compelled to share their ramblings with you. Doctor Helm keeps urging me to let him pull the Queen's …um… mask off. He's such a mischievous boy, but he keeps bringing me apples so I must forgive his naughty ways.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a direct continuation of my first story 'Ponderings of a Weary Doctor'. Please excuse the gratuitous bathtub scene; what can I say I am so weak. :: hangs head in shame:: Thanks to Jim (Read his terrific story "Sword Play") for the use of Don Ricardo's gift to Doctor Helm. Any Everclear fans out there? See if you can find a thinly veiled reference to one of their hit songs.
SUMMARY: While Montoya's away Grisham will play. Helm and the Queen flirt. Tessa and the Doctor grow closer.


Captain Marcus Grisham arrogantly propped his well-worn boots on the massive desk in front of him. Not just any desk, though. It wasn't just any desk, though; it was the desk of his fearless leader, Colonel Montoya. Leaning back in his chair, he failed to suppress the ear-to-ear smile that stole across his face.

He was in charge of the sleepy pueblo. Montoya had been summoned to Monterey by the viceroy to explain why the Queen of Swords was still roaming free. The Colonel had been in an absolute snit, bellowing commands to Grisham even as his carriage drove away.

Now that he was in charge, he would show Montoya exactly what he thought about being on a leash. Oh, he understood that Montoya thought him a simpleton, a fool, but Montoya wasn't the first to underestimate him. All he had to do was capture the Queen in the man's absence and doors that had been previously shut would swing open in his victory.

If everything went as planned the Queen would be his in a matter of days. Grisham chuckled as he imagined the look on Montoya's face when he and the viceroy were summoned to Santa Helena to witness the execution of the Queen. All these many months kowtowing to Montoya would be paid off in spades.


Doctor Helm mopped his brow with his handkerchief. This heat was definitely oppressive. What he wouldn't do for a rainy English day! Still he had to admit the desert held a certain rugged beauty. He readjusted his hat and urged Equus home, where a long cool drink awaited them both.

Turning his thoughts from the heat to matters at hand, Helm made a mental note to check back with Senora Aveytia in a couple of days. The young woman was heavy with her first child and could deliver at anytime. After observing so much death, it was a pleasant change bringing life into the world.

Rounding the base of a canyon he spied a familiar ebony horse and rider coming towards him. The Queen. His heart pounded a little faster at the sight of her. This was the first time he'd seen her since their evening on the beach.

"Peachy, just peachy," Helm muttered to Equus.

Egad, man, you're losing it, talking to your horse again, even if he was an exceptionally intelligent beast. How was he supposed to act? After all, she had seen him au natural. What had he been thinking? That was just it he hadn't been thinking. At least not with your brain a voice in his brain taunted. "Shut up will you!"

The Queen gave a puzzled look. "Ok, but I haven't said anything, yet."

Realizing a moment too late that he'd spoke aloud, he grimaced. Why must he always appear so addled in her presence? A person would assume he was a babbling adolescent rather than a seasoned man of the world. Well, man of the world, you'd better say something quick before you remove all doubt.

"We meet again, Your Highness." That was clever, Robert. He offered his best smile in greeting, while a blush rose to his cheeks.

The Queen pulled Chico alongside Equus. The two horses whinnied to each other like long lost friends. Tessa noticed the doctor looked a little flushed. Was it the heat or her arrival? She hoped it was the latter. Turn about was fair play. His midnight swim had brought the color creeping into her cheeks.

"Warm enough for you, Doctor Helm?"

"I guess the heat takes some getting used to," he allowed, not willing to reveal the real reason for his discomfort. "That outfit must be stifling." Did I just say that? Open mouth and insert foot.

A giggle escaped from Tessa. "Doctor Helm, I'm shocked. Surely you remember I'm not the one who has trouble keeping my clothes on." Serves him right, trying to act all nonchalant.

"That is not what I meant," Helm exclaimed forcefully. "A lady wouldn't say a thing like that!"

The Queen's eyebrow quirked at his remark, "And a gentleman should learn to keep his pants on in front of a lady."

This was not going well at all. It seemed like every time they were together they ended up bickering back and forth. For once he wished that they could have a pleasant conversation like two normal people. Discuss the weather or what have you, but that was how the whole situation started. Scratch the weather; move on to a safer topic, like Montoya's hasty departure.

"I suppose you've heard Colonel Montoya was called down to Monterey," Helm changed the subject. "Rumor has it, you're the reason for his sudden trip."

"Little ole me? I guess I should be flattered," she answered casually.

"Senorita, Montoya desires nothing more than to see your lovely neck stretched at the end of a rope. Dare you be so indifferent? The man is dangerous." Worry tinged the Doctor's words.

Touched by the obvious concern in the man's voice, the Queen reached over and squeezed his hand. "Thank you for caring about my neck, Doctor. I have no intention of swinging from anyone's rope, especially Montoya's. Now, please excuse me, I must go. Goodbye, Doctor Helm."

Catching her hand before she rode off, he lifted it to his lips. "Buenos dais, senorita. Until we meet again."


A group of six soldiers assembled in the courtyard awaiting orders from Captain Grisham. They had hoped Montoya's departure would buy them some rest time, but Grisham on his own was a demon compared to the colonel. Never in a million years did they think they'd rather have Montoya back.

The sun beat down, while Grisham surveyed the ragtag group in front of him, the best of the lot. He rolled his eyes. His plan would work in spite of their ineptitude.

Noticing the men were starting to squirm in the heat, he cleared his throat. "Starting tonight there will be patrols until dawn. Three of you will take the first watch til midnight. The rest of you will take over to sunup. No uniforms; I want this to be discreet, comprende?"

Nods and mumbles were offered. One man was brave enough to raise his hand in question. "Capitan, what are we searching for?"

Grisham stood inches away from the man's face. "Not what…who!" Puzzled looks greeted Grisham's outburst. Who else did they think they'd be looking for? "The Queen of Swords, you idiots! Dismissed!"

Doctor Helm, standing near the stables, watched Grisham's display. The man was a walking abuse of power. He knew that there were better ways to gain your men's respect than treating them like dogs. Grisham and Montoya were a match made in Hell to be sure.

"Captain Grisham, I see you have the same heavy handed touch as the Colonel." Helm words held no hint of respect as he came to stand beside Grisham.

"You have to teach these people respect, Doctor," came the captain's quick retort.

Helm did his best not to laugh. "Funny, I've always found that it's better to earn someone's respect than to beat it into them. Good day, Captain."

Grisham watched Helm cross the empty street to his office. Ever since the Doctor's arrival in Santa Helena, Grisham had bristled like a porcupine ready to strike. The man refused to grant him the respect he felt he was due.

It didn't help matters that the young women, single and married, of the pueblo were turning their attentions to the eligible bachelor. He'd even caught Vera's gaze wandering when Helm entered a room. What the ladies saw in him he wasn't sure. It must be that European accent; it certainly couldn't be looks.

The nail in the Queen's coffin was her close association with the good doctor. Time and time again, Helm and the Queen had joined forces against him and Montoya. Whenever one was in trouble the other was sure to come to the rescue, and that was the beauty of his plan. Put the good doctor in danger and the Queen would be lured into his trap. Now he must check the other details of his plans.


Marta tucked the broom back in the corner of the kitchen. The patio was swept, and a glass of ice-cold lemonade would hit the spot. Tessa should be home any moment now. Maybe they could enjoy their refreshment out on the patio and catch a cool evening breeze.

"Marta, I'm home," Tessa's voice called as she rode past the house towards the stables.

Quickening her step, Marta bustled around the kitchen gathering supplies for the lemonade. Seeing the level in the sugar jar was beginning to diminish, Marta made a mental note to purchase more the next trip into town. She was stirring in the sugar when Tessa finally made her appearance.

"Mmm! You spoil me, Marta," Tessa smiled at her friend. "Let me change and I'll be right down."


"That was fast, Maria Teresa." Marta pulled the other rocker over closer to her. "Long day?"

Tessa gratefully sank into the offered chair. "Si, very long and hot." Even though she was exhausted a smile played around the corners of her lips. Robert Helm was reason enough to smile.

Always observant, Marta knew something or someone was on the young woman's mind. It didn't take a mind reader to figure out whom that someone might be. Her little girl was quickly becoming a woman with all the joys and heartaches that accompanied the change. It seemed like only yesterday she had to chase after Tessa keeping her out of trouble. Well, come to think of it, that hadn't really changed.

"Is there a reason for that smile?" Marta asked already knowing the answer.

Tessa knew it would be pointless to lie to the other woman, but she was too obstinate to given in so easily. "Maybe."

"Would it be the handsome Doctor Helm?"

The stain that crept across Tessa's cheeks was the only answer needed. "How did you guess?" Tessa giggled.

"Oh, I am a wise woman." Marta joined in Tessa's laughter.

The two women sat in companionable silence, drinking the cool lemonade. The desert was coming to life in the evening air. A pair of rabbits played in the yard and the hooting of an owl could be heard off in the distance.

"Marta," Tessa whispered.

"Yes, Tessa?"

"I think I am falling in love with him." There she finally said it, the thought that had been playing in her head for days.

"I know." Marta had been waiting for the younger woman to vocalize her feelings. "What do you plan to do about it?"

Tessa practically leapt from her chair. "I was hoping you might be able to tell me what to do." The heels of her shoes beat out a staccato as she paced back and forth. She turned in a huff when she heard Marta chuckle. "This is not funny, Marta."

"I do not think so either, not this time. It is your heart; you are the only one who can decide when to give it to another person."

Marta patted the vacant chair. Tessa settled into the chair. Once again silence hung in the air.

"Whose heart shall I give him? Mine or the Queen's?"

"A man like Doctor Helm is worthy of both, I think."

"Now all I have to do is convince him that I'm not a spoiled brat," Tessa sighed.

"You are not?" Marta grinned, bringing levity to the situation.

Tessa returned the grin, "Well, maybe just a little. Come on, Marta, we have plans to make."


Grisham bounded up the stairs to Montoya's office. He saw two scruffy men waiting in the hallway. Right on time. This was coming together just as planned. Ushering the men into the office, Grisham wasted no time on pleasantries.

"Have a seat," Grisham told them as he took the chair behind the desk. "I don't think it's necessary to remind you that no one is to know about your assignment, gentlemen."

The taller of the two raised an eyebrow. "Capitan, you forget this is not the first time we have had a job like this. We are not amateurs."

Grisham had hired these two for just that reason. He knew that you got what you paid for and the fee he'd paid for these two should ensure the success of his mission to capture the Queen. "So, have you familiarized yourselves with the area? And Doctor Helm's routine?"

Ernesto, the elder of the two, spoke up. "Si, I have been following the doctor for the last three days. He is a tricky cabron. Never goes the same way twice, but with a little effort he can be tracked."

"We scouted the area," Rafael commented. "Now we just have to wait for the right moment to strike."

This sounded very good to Grisham, but he was not a patient man. "Montoya will be back in late next week. The Queen must be captured long before then."

"Do not worry, sir. By the end of the week, we will have the Queen and Helm right where you want them," Ernesto promised. Rafael grinned as he fingered the hilt of the knife tucked in his belt.


Across town, the man at the center of everyone's plans sat relaxing in a tub full of suds. Dust invaded every inch of his life. Dust on his furniture, his medical equipment, and on his body; the bloody stuff took on a life of it's own. At times, he was even sure he coughed dust.

Soaping up his rag, he carefully scrubbed behind his ears and then ran the rag over his hair.
"You need a trim, Robbie boy."

He thought nothing of holding a conversation with himself. He found it made the long days in the saddle go by quicker. On the long trip from Texas, he discovered Equus was excellent listener.

The sudsy rag made quick work of cleaning his dirty body. Now it was to time to just soak and unwind. Stretching his long legs out to rest on the edge of the tub, he closed his eyes and mentally ran down his to do list for the rest of the week. Right now it seemed like a slow period, Senora Aveytia being his most pressing client and he was waiting for nature to take its course.

Thoughts of Senora Aveytia reminded him of an uneasy feeling he'd gotten on the ride home. Although he couldn't be sure he'd almost swear someone was tracking him. Years in the military had honed his sixth sense in these matters. Tomorrow, he decided, a reconnaissance mission would be in order. Reaching for the towel, Robert stood and dried himself.

Slipping into a pair of clean pants, he sprawled across his bed with the book he had been reading. Ever since he was a boy, reading had been an escape from his overbearing father and older brother, only his younger brother, Nigel, realized what a sensitive nature lurked in the heart of Robert Helm.

The Helm family defined the phrase stiff upper lip. Weakness was not tolerated and certainly not shown. His father had made it so easy to leave and to never return. Oh, he missed Nigel and his mother, but he wouldn't trade his independence for anything.

Finally tired enough to slip off into dreamland, Robert tucked the tarot card the Queen had left that night on the beach into his book and leaned over the bedside table and put out the lamp. Yawning once or twice he snuggled face down in the pillow and went to sleep. A woman with dark hair and eyes haunted his dreams.


Even though the rooster had just begun his morning greeting, the residents of the Alvarado hacienda were already bustling about doing their daily chores. Marta prepared a breakfast tray for her mistress. Not bothering to knock, Marta swept into Tessa's room with a cheery salutation.

"Rise and shine, Tessa. You must not sleep the day away."

The only reply Marta received was a groan as Tessa pulled the covers over her head. Undaunted by the younger woman's response, the other woman laughed and sat the tray on a nearby table. Crossing the room, she threw open the drapes allowing the morning sun access to the darkened room.

"Are we a little grumpy this morning?" Marta teased.

"Go away," the bump under the blankets muttered. "I'm having the most incredible dream."

"I do not think so, young lady." Marta unceremoniously yanked the blanket off her mistress. "Now, greet the day with a smile, Maria Teresa."

Tessa grimaced at her friend and stretched the sleepiness from her body; her nose perked at the smell of the breakfast that awaited her. Tessa nibbled at the selection of food on the tray.

She paused midway through a piece of toast and looked thoughtfully at Marta.

"I've decided what to do about Doctor Helm, Marta."

Marta quirked an eyebrow in surprise, "And what pray tell would that be, dearest Tessa?"

"The way I see it, I have to give him an chance to see me as more than a spoiled brat, so that is why I am going to ride into town this morning and invite him to dinner tonight."

"That sounds like a good idea, Tessa, but you should give him a reason for inviting him," Marta reasoned. "After all you two are not on the best of terms."

Tessa nodded in agreement. This might be harder than she thought. "I didn't think of that." She sat down hard in the chair. "Best laid plans of mice and men, I guess."

"You are giving up so easy? That's not the Tessa I know and love."

Tessa continued to eat her breakfast in silence. Marta shuffled around the room, making the bed and straightening her mistress' room. Several minutes had passed when Tessa jumped up from her seat startling Marta.

"I've got it, Marta!"

Marta put a hand to her chest. "Got what?"

"An idea! Remember a couple of weeks ago Doctor Helm treated the stable hands? I'll just tell him dinner is just a thank you for that."

"Smart girl. Now let us get you ready to see the Doctor."


Power is an addictive drug and Captain Marcus Grisham was a junkie. Each day Montoya was away, the call of power was like a siren's song and he definitely liked the tune. Each morning he rose bright and early and boldly occupied the Colonel's vacant office. The air of arrogance was palpable; his swagger was even more cocky than usual. His 'loyal' troops steered clear of him whenever possible, but one person found his newfound authority to be quite a turn on.

A knock on the door signaled the arrival of that person. "Marcoos?"

Grisham hurried to the door and pulled the sultry blonde into the office and his arms. "It's about time," he told her as he kissed her soundly and turned the key in the lock.

He and Vera had been "seeing" each other for quite sometime. Each encounter was well planned and well enjoyed, but always in secret. Vera was careful to guard her reputation. It simply wouldn't due for the elite of Santa Helena to find out she was bedding the young captain.

When Marcus had suggested this rendezvous, she had protested. They had never met in such a public place. Her protests disappeared when he convinced her that it would only make the meeting that much more provocative. He promised her that no one would around to witness her arrival or departure and now she was in his embrace and the Colonel's office.

Grisham swept Vera into his arms and carried her over to the large chair. Once they were settled, her in his lap, Marcus showered her with kisses. Vera closed her eyes in rapture. How had he talked her into this? She shouldn't be here in Montoya's office. Even though the Colonel was out of town, Montoya had eyes everywhere. That thought was enough to cool her passion.

Thrusting herself out of his lap, Vera straightened her dress and smoothed her hair. "Marcus, I cannot stay. If anyone ever found out…" her words trailed off as she made to leave.

"No one will know I promise you, Vera." He smiled his most boyish grin. "Come on. You know you want to."

Not giving her a moment to change her mind, Grisham used his arm to sweep the paraphernalia off the desk. He took Vera in his arms again and laid her gently on the desk. Vera's eyes widened at his gesture. Maybe this was a good idea after all, living dangerously. As much as she cared for Gaspar, life had never been exciting with him. Marcus' attention drove all logical consideration from her mind.

After their heated bout of lovemaking, Vera lay nestled in her lover's arms. Her fingers trailed aimlessly over his bare chest. Grisham placed a kiss on top of her head. If his plan to capture the Queen worked, one day soon he would be in a position of power and Vera would be his wife.

"One of these days, Vera, this will be all mine and you will be mine," he promised.

"Do not be ridiculous. I cannot leave Gaspar, you know that."

Grisham stood and began to dress. "When I capture the Queen, I will take Montoya's command and I'll be in the position to marry you."

Although some people perceived Vera as unintelligent, she was, in fact, very clever. Instead of voicing her opinion about the matter, she merely nodded and smiled. She had learned long ago not to commit to anything without having all the necessary information beforehand.

Turning the subject from marriage, Vera asked about his plans to trap the Queen.

Grisham gave her the bare bones details, leaving out the doctor's role in her demise. His confidence in his plan was evident by the gleam in his eyes. She wondered if she hadn't underestimated his deviousness.


Finding himself with nothing to do, Doctor Helm set about inventorying his stock of medical supplies. Never knowing when a disaster or an epidemic might hit, it was always best to be prepared for any inevitability. Montoya had grudgingly met almost every request Helm had asked for with one or two minor exceptions.

Checking his list against the contents of a corner cupboard, Robert was so intent upon his labor he failed to notice the arrival of the lovely young woman until she tapped him on the shoulder. The response her sudden appearance elicited from him was a decidedly unmasculine yelp of surprise, which in turn, set her off into gales of laughter.

"I'm glad you find my embarrassment so amusing, Senorita Alvarado. What is your aversion to knocking, may I ask? Some bizarre allergy to wood?" Sarcasm dripped off each word.

Biting back an equally stinging retort, Tessa remembered Marta's admonishment about catching more flies with honey. "Actually, I did knock this time, perhaps you were too busy with your work, you didn't notice," she replied sweetly.

"And the reason for your visit would be?"

Turning from her, he finished straightening the bottles he'd upset when he nearly jumped from his skin moments ago. Tessa handed him a bottle that had rolled across the floor and came to a rest at her feet. Ignoring her smile, Robert took the bottle from her hand and placed it with the others.

Unconcerned with his less than friendly welcome, Tessa plunged on with her mission. "Actually, Doctor, I came to invite you to dinner."


"Yes, you know, the meal that comes after lunch and before breakfast." Oops! Way to go, Tessa, you're certainly vanquishing the spoiled brat image.

"I'm well aware of the timing of the meal. It's the offer that I question." Don't you sound like a snob, Robert. Father would be so proud.

Tessa couldn't suppress the look of disappointment that settled across her features. This wasn't going as well as she had planned; maybe she had played her part too well.

"I'm sorry, Senorita. My manners seem to have left me today. Let's try this again shall we?"

Tessa's answering smile assured him she would like nothing better.

"Senorita Alvarado, how nice to see you." Robert greeted her.

"Buena dias, Doctor Helm," she responded graciously. "Lovely weather we're having, si'?"

"Yes, it is. How may I be of assistance to you?" he asked in his most gallant tone.

The absurdity of their conversation struck them at the same time. Robert's eyes twinkled with mirth and Tessa smirked.

"My earlier offer of dinner still stands. A small thank you for the excellent care you gave my stable hands a while back."

"I never turn down an offer of a home-cooked meal, especially from such a lovely hostess."

Tessa beamed. This wasn't so bad after all. "Then I shall see you around seven this evening?"

"Sounds lovely, Senorita." He escorted Tessa to the door.

Watching the young senorita cross the street to the open-air market, Robert wondered what he'd just gotten himself into accepting her dinner invitation. What would they have to talk about? Ah, it least it was a free meal and he wouldn't be forced to eat his own pathetic attempt at cooking.


He said yes, he said yes! That thought kept playing over and over in Tessa's head as she drove the buggy back to her hacienda. She could barely sit still in her excitement. Her mind raced as she planned every little detail of the night's festivities. She and Marta had already decided on a menu. Now the only thing that worried her was what they would talk about.


Sandstorms were a frequent occurrence in California, and it appeared as though one had touched down in Tessa Alvarado's bedroom. Dresses of every hue and style littered the bed, floor and chairs. The only place devoid of garments was the closet that stood empty.

"Marta! I have nothing to wear!" Tessa wailed miserably as she threw herself across her bed.

The gypsy woman was amused at the antics of her charge. It was interesting to see the normally calm young woman get so worked up, and over a man no less. For the last hour and a half, Tessa had modeled every dress she owned at least once and found each one lacking.

"Ha! Says the girl with enough clothes to dress every man, woman, and child in Santa Helena."

Tessa's eye rolled at the other woman's observation. "You know what I meant."

Marta ignored Tessa's sarcasm and plucked a discarded dress from the chair nearest the bed.

"This is the one you should wear, Tessa." Marta handed her the dress.

"You think so?'

The dress was one of Tessa's favorites. The top was a pale yellow and off the shoulders while the full skirt was a deep sky blue with tiny yellow flowers the same shade as the top. She trusted Marta's judgment in these matters so the decision was made.

"Si, you will look gorgeous. Now go get dressed and then we shall do your hair."


"Ugh, bloody tie!" Robert cursed aloud as he ran a finger between his neck and collar.

The damn thing felt like a noose, choking the breath out of him. Thankfully he wasn't expected to wear one very often in this remote area of the world. He preferred a casual approach to life and dressing. Looking once in the mirror, he grabbed his coat and the bottle of wine. At least if the evening was a bust he'd have something decent to drink.

Chin up, Robby boy. This might not be so bad, Robert allowed. It can't be any worse than facing the French.

He had to admit, for all her simpering and whining, Tessa Alvarado was an extremely attractive young woman. If only she was able to converse about other topics besides fashion and gossip. He sincerely doubted he'd get that lucky. Glancing at the clock on his desk, he decided it was either now or never and headed to the stables.

Halfway to the stables, Robert felt the hair on the back of his neck rise. Someone was spying on him. Casting a casual glance around the quiet pueblo, he was unable to spot anyone out of place. He knew better than to dismiss his sense of self-preservation; it had kept him out of harm's way on more than one occasion. Latham's arrival had been a stark reminder that more than one person wanted him dead. The hard part was determining who was after his neck this time.

On the lookout for any possible dangers, Robert reached the stables and began to saddle Equus. The horse whinnied a greeting to his owner and nuzzled him as he got near. Scratching the spot between the horse's ears, Helm chuckled at the intelligent look in the horse's eyes.

"Too bad most humans aren't as bright as horses," he informed his four-legged companion. Equus responded with rather loud snort. "Well said, my friend."

With a cautious eye, Helm guided his horse in the direction of the Alvarado hacienda. He wasn't about to make it easy for whoever was trailing him, so he took the longest and most complex route to his destination. Whoever they were, he was going to make sure they rued the day they decided to follow him.


"For heaven's sake, Tessa, your pacing is wearing a hole in the rug." Marta admonished the nervous young woman. "Sit down before you pass out, child."

Tessa settled into the chair next to Marta. "I don't know why I'm so nervous. I mean he's just a man."

"A man you care about."

"And there's that. As if I don't have enough worry in my life without adding this to the mix."

"A good man is worth it."

"I suppose you're right, but I still have persuade him to like Tessa and not only the Queen." Why did she always refer to herself in the third person?

"Well, turn on the charm, I think I hear the good doctor now."

Tessa jumped from her chair and was ready to race for the door, when Marta seized her arm. "Have a seat, young lady, and I will let the doctor in."


Robert handed over Equus' reins to a waiting stable hand. A sense of nervousness had crept over him on the long ride here, and the thought of someone following him did nothing to shake the feeling. Since he had arrived in Santa Helena, his social contact with the female population had been limited to Montoya's parties and his chance encounters with the Queen.

Although a few of the lovely young senoritas had shown an interest, so far he was able to avoid them, using his work for an excuse. Frankly, he couldn't tolerate their spoiled lifestyles and simpering ways. His old life in England had been full of those kinds of women. Looking back now, he realized that as much as he had loved Camilla, she had those very same traits. His overbearing father tried to push him into marriage on more than one occasion. In any event, dear old dad was an ocean away now.

It was his decision of when and if he married and certainly he would be the one to choose his bride. Thus far, his choices were few; only the Queen and Senorita Alvarado had elicited any sort of emotion from him other than his normal demeanor of cool reserve. Each woman had an uncanny knack for jangling his nerves to the point of breaking.

His thoughts kept him occupied as he crossed the yard to the front door. Why was he even contemplating the topic of marriage? And in the same breath as the Queen and the senorita? It must be the heat he assured himself. His hand was poised to knock on the door when a smiling Marta opened it.

"Doctor Helm," Marta greeted the man warmly. "Come in."

"Thank you, Marta." Robert followed silently behind the woman.

Tessa waited impatiently in her chair. What was taking Marta so long? She was almost to the door when Marta led her guest into the parlor.

After trying to swallow around the lump in her throat, she quickly decided she had been right about her feelings for the handsome doctor. Tessa extended her hand in greeting; giving him her most stunning smile she graciously welcomed him to her home.

"Good doctor, Evening Helm." Oh heavens, did she really just say that?

Tessa blushed furiously at her mistake. Marta nearly choked while suppressing a giggle. Doctor Helm gave them both a puzzled look; once again he wondered why he had agreed to this adventure.

Hoping to alleviate the silence that had descended over the room, Robert took Tessa's proffered hand and raised it to his lips. Not expecting the crackle of lightening he felt when his lips touched the soft skin of her hand, it was his turn to blush. This was turning out to be a strange evening indeed.

Unusually intuitive, Marta sensed, that for all their posturing and preening, the couple before her was fated to be together. It was just a matter of the Doctor and Tessa letting down their guards long enough to realize that for themselves. While she couldn't do that for them, she certainly would make sure they had every opportunity to discover their destiny. And what better time than the present?

"Let me take that, Doctor." She relieved him of the bottle of wine still clutched in his hand. "Tessa, show your guest your lovely rose garden, while I check on dinner. It is a lovely evening for a stroll."

Tessa's eyes widened at Marta's suggestion. Her alone with Doctor Helm? The thought terrified and thrilled her at the same time. She had spent plenty of time alone with him as the Queen, but this was different. It was much easier when she had a mask to hide behind.

"Go ahead. I'll bring the wine the doctor brought out to the patio," Marta prodded.


Neither person spoke as they walked among the brightly colored bushes. The lack of conversation dissolved from awkward to painful. Tessa absently toyed with one of the blooms. She remembered how much these plants had meant to her mama. Tessa let out a cry of pain as she jerked her hand away from the rosebush. Her cry of pain broke Robert out of his own thoughts.

"Senorita? Are you alright?" he asked as he took her injured hand in his own larger one. She had such tiny hands he mused as he inspected her wound.

"Seems I forgot about the thorns," she replied ruefully.

Wiping away the few crimson droplets from her fingertips, Robert assured, "I believe you shall live."

"That's comforting to know, Doctor. To think, my young life cut short by the prick of a thorn is almost too tragic to bear," Tessa dramatized.

"A regular Greek tragedy to be sure, Senorita." Laughter was evident in his words. He never expected Tessa's ability to laugh at herself.

"Please. Call me Tessa."

"Alright, Tessa, but only if you call me Robert. Deal?"

"Deal," she agreed.

Robert bent to sniff one of the fragrant blossoms. "The roses seem to thrive even in this heat." Straightening his tall frame, he continued, "The smell of roses always reminds me of my mother. She has the most fantastic gardens at home."

"My mother planted these roses right after I was born. They were her pride and joy. Often when I was little she would let me help her tend them. I felt so important, so grown up." A flicker of sadness crossed her visage. "The times when I miss her most I sit out here and remember her."

Robert sympathized with her. His own mother was the sweetest, kindest person he knew. Why she married his bastard of a father he wasn't sure. Though she was still alive, his leaving England against his father's wishes almost guaranteed he'd most likely never see his mother again.

"I'm sorry, Tessa."

"So am I, but all of my memories of her are happy. Both of my parents were wonderful. I guess I'm lucky that way."

Robert snorted. Tessa stopped and gave him a puzzled look.

"Let's just say that not everyone is so fortunate." His eyes were hard with memory.

Tactfully, Tessa decided to change the topic of conversation. It was evident the doctor had some unresolved issues concerning his parents. She knew that prying into his life would only alienate him, better to leave it for another time.

"I hope you're hungry. I fear we've cooked enough food to feed a small army."

"Believe me, I am hungry. Equus was starting to look good on the ride out here. A home cooked meal is certainly welcome; my own attempts at cooking are barely edible most of the time."

Marta appeared out on the patio to announce dinner was served. She noticed the earlier awkwardness had disappeared. The couple was engaged in friendly conversation and laughing together. Robert and Tessa turned around at the sound of Marta's voice calling them to dinner. Ever so gallantly, he offered his arm to Tessa, who rewarded him with a stunning smile.


A very full Doctor Helm laid his napkin on the table beside his plate. "That was the best meal I've had in a long while." A content sight escaped from his lips. "I don't believe I could manage another bite."

"But, Robert, we haven't had dessert, yet." Tessa protested.

"If I eat one more bite, I believe I shall explode."

Tessa batted her eyelashes at him. "Oh, come on, Robert. Surely a little dessert can't possibly hurt. Besides, I made it myself."

"All right, just a bite," he allowed. He was a sucker for a beautiful woman.

"If you will excuse me; I'll just be a second." Tessa exited the room in a swish of skirts.

Robert drummed his fingers absently on the table. This evening had gone much better than he had expected. Instead of the time dragging, the evening was rushing by. Tessa had proved herself an intelligent conversationalist; discussing current events and offering informed opinions on a wide array of topics. It appeared that there was more to the lovely senorita than just a pretty face.

"Be prepared to eat the best dessert you have ever tasted," she told him as she sat the dish on the table. Expertly, she sliced a piece and handed it to her guest.

The smell of cinnamon wafted up from the still warm pie, caramelized juices of the apples oozed out of the crust and onto the plate. His taste buds perked up in spite of his full stomach. Maybe he could make for a few bites. His fork dug heartily into the dessert/

"Mmmm!" His eyes closed in ecstasy.

"I remember how much you love apples." Tessa teased him.

His eyes popped open and he nearly choked on his pie. He'd forgotten about his 'stealing' the last apple right out of her hand. The rising color warmed his cheeks to a pleasing hue of pink. Another pleasant surprise this evening was Tessa's wicked sense of humor.

Bowing his head slightly, he acknowledged her jest. "Well, I had ridden all the way from Texas. I was starving."

"You poor man," Tessa sympathized.


The clock on the mantel chimed the midnight hour. Marta pulled back the curtain and looked at the couple sitting on the patio, involved in a deep discussion. She was glad the two of them were having a good time, but it was late and the doctor needed to be on his way home.

Marta joined them on the patio and cleared her throat to get their attention. Robert was able to tell by the gypsy woman's demeanor what her entrance meant. Pulling his pocket watch from his vest, he was shocked to discover exactly how late it was.

"It seems it's later than I thought. Tomorrow's a busy day, so I should be going," Robert said reluctantly.

The other woman shot a quick glance at Tessa. "I have sent Manuel to fetch your horse, Doctor."

Tessa realized her friend's disappearance allowed her to say goodnight to Robert in private. The butterflies in her stomach suddenly decided to take flight again. Would he try to kiss her? She hoped so, but he was a gentleman and it would be forward of him to do so. She was disappointed, though, his kisses were fantastic.

The same thoughts plagued him. As much as he wanted to kiss Tessa, he knew it wasn't the proper thing to do. Kissing the Queen, or rather the Queen kissing him, had been different, very different. The Queen was a faceless woman, a mystery, where Tessa was a lady of social standing. Both were worthy of his respect, for certain, but different nonetheless.

"I'm glad you came, Robert."

"No, thank you, Tessa. You are a lovely and gracious hostess. The pleasure was all mine."

Tessa walked to the edge of the patio and saw that Manuel had Equus waiting at the front of the house. Not realizing that Robert was standing right behind her, Tessa spun on her heel and bumped into him. He reached out to steady her. For a few moments, they just stared at each other. The only noise to be heard was the sound of their breathing. Tessa looked expectantly at him.

To hell with propriety, Robert thought as he gently tilted her chin and brought his lips down to hers.

The kiss was brief and gentle, unlike the one he shared with the Queen, but it was just as intense. Something familiar tugged at the edge of his consciousness, but was gone before he could name it. While the kiss lasted mere moments it's effects would be longer lasting.

The feelings the tender kiss evoked for Tessa had been overwhelming because he had initiated this contact. In twenty-three years, she had kissed her share of suitors, but not one of them had affected her like Doctor Robert Helm. His compassion, his humor, his fairness spoke to her heart. God she loved this man. She wanted to shout it from the rooftops, but even with the progress they'd made this evening, she knew the revelation would be foolhardy at best. This was something best kept secret.

Seeing the troubled expression pass across her face, Robert worried that he had offended her sensibilities. "Forgive me, senorita. I had no right…"

Tessa interrupted him before he finished his sentence. "No, I wanted you to kiss me."


"No buts, Doctor." Tessa's tone brooked no argument. "Let's not ruin a perfect evening arguing over a completely innocent matter."

"If you insist."

"I do," she replied with a smile.


The ride home was uneventful, a fact which Dr. Helm was extremely grateful. Tonight's events had left him more than a little confused. His illusions of Tessa Alvarado had been shattered. She was not the spoiled rich girl; she was an intelligent and thoughtful young woman. Well, so much for first impressions.

Robert spurred Equus into a gallop. He just wanted to get home and sleep. Unfortunately, a good night's rest would elude him.


"He kissed me, Marta!" Tessa was barely able to contain herself in her excitement.

"This is not the first time you have been kissed, Tessa."

"I know, but it's the first time he's kissed me. Me, Tessa, not the Queen."

Tessa sat on the edge of her bed a content look on her face. Her dreams would be filled with images of the handsome man she had shared the evening with. She took the nightgown Marta handed her and changed while the other woman turned down the covers on the bed.

The younger woman snuggled down under the blanket. Marta stopped on the way out the door and paused for a moment. She was pleased to see her mistress was so happy.

"Pleasant dreams, Tessa."

"Very pleasant, indeed," came a very sleepy reply.


From high atop a canyon, Ernesto watched the Doctor's speedy return to the pueblo. Helm's horse raced across the dark desert. It seemed he was in a hurry. Now he would just wait for his partner to arrive and then it was off to update Captain Grisham.


Grisham paced in his 'borrowed' office. The hired help had yet to report this evening. His confidence level had not wavered; in fact it had only increased. He hardly slept at all; his mind raced with plans and ideas for his inevitable takeover from Montoya. The young captain's eyes roamed over the opulent furnishings of the room that he occupied, some things would be left unchanged. Despite all the things he detested about Montoya, his lavish quarters were easy to become accustomed.

A discreet rapping at the door snapped the scheming man back to the matter at hand. Crossing the room in a few strides, he jerked the door open and ushered in the arrivals with an impatient wave of his hand. Once again he wasted no time on pleasantries, instead he launched into a barrage of questions.

"Well, what's the doc been up to? Were you able to follow him? I don't need to remind you I'm paying you good money to get this job done, do I?"

Ernesto held up his hands as if to deflect the captain's verbal assault. "Whoa, Capitan, no need to remind us. The doctor hasn't moved without us knowing it. He's tried to spot us, but so far so good."

"Doesn't hurt his mind's occupied with the lovely senorita, eh?" Rafael leered.

"Senorita?" Grisham asked.

Ernesto glared at Rafael. "Helm spent the evening out at the Alvarado place."

Rafael, undaunted by his partner's warning, pushed on. "By the looks of it, they were pretty cozy. Matter of fact, judging by the way he was kissin' her it's a wonder the doctor left at all."

In a flash, Grisham had Rafael backed up against the office wall, his forearm pressing into the other man's windpipe. Anger at the doctor's romancing the gorgeous and wealthy Senorita Alvarado was transferred to the wide-eyed man pinned in front of him.

"Leave the senorita out of this, understand?"

Rafael nodded.

Grisham slowly released the pressure on the man's neck, "Now let's talk business."

Ernesto took the opportunity to speak. "Like I said, the doctor is starting to get suspicious. We'd better make our move soon."

"Is tomorrow soon enough?" Grisham inquired.

Rafael rubbed the tender skin of his neck. "Yeah, he's supposed to be checking on patients out around Blanco Canyon. All we've gotta do is let him come to us."

"Sounds like a plan. Keep an eye on him until then. He's a sneaky son of a bitch."


"Doctor Helm! Doctor Helm!" A muffled voice called urgently from outside the door to the doctor's private quarters.

Jumping from the bed, Robert was awake before his feet hit the floor. A quick look out the window revealed the sun's first attempts to rise out of the darkness of night. Pulling on his pants and shirt, he went to investigate the visitor that had woke him at such an ungodly hour. With his luck it was probably just the Queen dropping by to say good morning.

When he opened the door, the face that greeted him wasn't the Queen's but the worried face of Senor Aveytia. There was only one reason for his early morning visit. Nature had run it's course and his young wife was ready to deliver their first child.

"Rosa sent me. She says the baby is coming," he informed the doctor.

Robert smiled at the young man's nervousness. Miguel was not the first husband he had reassured.

"Miguel, take a deep breath," he calmly told him. "This is Rosa's first baby. We've plenty of time. You go on home and I'll get my horse and follow right behind you, alright?"

"Gracias, Doctor Helm."

After Miguel rode off, Robert collected the necessary supplies. Before leaving for the stables, he scribbled a brief note and posted it on the door as he left. Hopefully, today the inhabitants of Santa Helena could do without his services.


Tessa woke up in a cheery mood. Last night had been a genuine success. Doctor Helm, no, Robert seemed to have a good time and he kissed her! She felt a tingling in her stomach that had nothing to do with hunger pains. The only thing on her mind was when she'd see him again.

She didn't want to appear too eager, but if they just happened to run into each other… maybe she'd venture into to town to do a little shopping or perhaps Marta had some local herbs to deliver to the doctor, she might be persuaded to drop them off at his office.

Bouncing out of her bed, one word was on her lips. "Marta!"


Doctor Helm stepped out onto the small patio to get a breath of fresh air. Rosa was making good progress, he noted as he looked at his pocket watch. It was almost ten o'clock, another hour or two and a new life would enter the world. Stuffing the timepiece back into his pocket, he went inside to check on his patient.

"Rosa, you're doing fine," he reassured.

"Really, Doctor Helm?"


Miguel hovered over his wife, wiping sweat covered brow and rubbing her back between pains. There was nothing to do but wait.


Tessa drove the carriage into Santa Helena. Marta loaded a basket with a variety of local herbs and plants that were used for medicinal purposes. She also sent Tessa off with a list items to pick up at the market. Now she wouldn't look so obvious with these errands to run.

Of course, even the best-laid plans sometimes failed to play out as planned. After a record trip through the market, she deposited her packages in the carriage, grabbed the basket, and went in search of Doctor Helm.

Before she was able to cross the street, she heard familiar voice call her name. Damn! It was Captain Grisham. The man was so full of himself. He strutted around the pueblo like he was God's gift to the world. There was something about the captain that made her skin crawl, but part of the charade involved playing nice with men like Grisham and Montoya.

Conjuring a memory of Robert's kiss, she was able to give the captain a smile of greeting. "Hola, Capitan."

"Senorita Alvarado, you look lovely this morning."

"Gracias," she replied and started to walk on, but his hand on her arm halted her progress.

"That basket looks heavy, can I carry it to your buggy?"

"No, thank you, Capitan. It's lighter than it looks." Could the man not take a hint?

"Still, let me carry it to your buggy. It's on the way."

"Actually, I was delivering it to Doctor Helm for Marta, but thank you for the kind offer."

Grisham watched as Tessa crossed the street to the doctor's office. That son of a bitch! Grisham still hadn't ruled out the possibility of pursuing the wealthy young woman, especially if Vera refused to leave Gaspar. Damn the man to hell and back. Just one more reason to beat him black and blue, that thought was enough to jerk him out of his sour mood. A few short and all his dreams would come true.

The note hanging on the door told a disappointed Tessa where the absent doctor could be found. The whole morning wasted! There must be a way to rescue the trip. The note said he was at Aveytia's delivering their baby; maybe she'd drive by and offer her congratulations.


"Don't push yet, Rosa," Doctor Helm warned, "your body isn't ready."

"But it hurts!" Rosa groaned.

"Please do something," Miguel pleaded.

"Shut up, Miguel. Can't you see the doctor is doing what he can?" the not so happy mother to be threatened.

Miguel looked stunned at wife's words. The usually meek Rosa had acquired a rather sharp tongue since her labor began late yesterday evening. He was sure it was the pain talking or at least he hoped that was the case.

Doctor Helm saw the hurt flicker across the younger man's face. "Miguel, why don't you go outside and check on my horse for me? In my hurry I forget to give him his oats."

Grateful for anything to do besides pacing, Miguel nodded and slipped out the door. Rosa felt bad about her angry words to her husband, but this hurt more than she expected. A pair of tears slipped from her eyes.

Robert noticed the drop of moisture and the others that threatened to follow. Sitting on Miguel's abandoned stool, he took the cloth and wiped away the tears. "The baby's almost here, Rosa, just a while longer. Have you and Miguel chosen a name for the baby?" He knew talking would get her mind off the pain.

"Si, if it is a boy, Fernando and if it is a girl, Louisa."

"Fine names, I think."

A tense look overtook the woman's face. Doctor Helm stood up and did another exam. Looking up with a smile, he gave her hand a squeeze, "Let me get Miguel and we'll have this baby."

Doctor Helm hurried out the door and yelled to Miguel, who was busy watering Equus. "Miguel, it's time."

"Are you sure?" came the nervous reply. He wasn't sure that he should be in there with her, but if Doctor Helm said to come, perhaps he should follow. He was worried about Rosa.

"Yes, I am sure." Doctor Helm gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "Shall we?"


"Now on the count of three, I want you to push, Rosa, but not before," the doctor instructed. "Miguel, get behind her and sit, so she can rest against you."

Working as a team, Miguel and Robert helped Rosa through the exhausting final stage of labor.

"Just a couple more pushes," he encouraged.

Rosa took a few deep breaths. "I cannot do this anymore! It hurts too much!"

Miguel was afraid to say a word. He sat quietly rubbing his wife's back. He hoped that Doctor Helm wouldn't have to set a broken hand after delivering the baby; Rosa's grip on his hand was crushing. How did women do this over and over again?

"Alright, Rosa, this is it. One last push should do it."

Rosa gritted her teeth and gave one final push. Her efforts were rewarded when, after a few moments, she heard the lusty cries of her newborn. Doctor Helm grinned as he cleaned the baby and held it up for inspection.

"Congratulations, Rosa, you have a son," he announced as he handed the couple their swaddled infant.

Tears of happiness streamed down the faces of the new parents. Miguel gently kissed his wife and son. Doctor Helm observed the familial scene with great satisfaction. This was a damn sight better than setting broken bones and sewing torn skin. A rapping at the door drew his attention away from the family. A perplexed looked crossed his face when the opened door revealed an unexpected guest.

"Really, Senorita Alvarado, we must quit meeting like this."

Tessa knew by his tone of voice, he was teasing her. "Don't flatter yourself, Doctor," she replied. "I stopped by your office to drop off a basket of herbs from Marta. Your note said you were here. I just wanted to see the new baby."

"Well, you came just in time, Senorita." Robert gave a graceful bow as Tessa swept past him into the small house.

"Senorita Alvarado!" Rosa exclaimed as she smoothed her hair. "I look a mess."

"Nonsense, Rosa, you look wonderful," Tessa praised. "May I see the baby?"

"Of course." Rosa handed the small bundle to Tessa once the other woman was settled in a nearby chair.

"What a beautiful baby!" Tessa gushed. "Have you picked a name?"

Miguel said proudly, "Fernando Javier Aveytia."

"A good name for such a fine young man," Tessa proclaimed. She touched the soft tufts of hair. "Quite a head of hair, too."

After Tessa ohhed and ahhed over little Fernando, she rose to leave. Offering her best wishes and congratulations, she said her goodbyes. On her way to the door she caught Robert's eye and gestured for him to follow her.

"I have that basket of herbs for you in my buggy, Doctor, unless you'd like to stop by my hacienda for some lemonade on your way back to town." Tessa offered. Was that too forward of me?

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Tessa. I'll finish up here and ride over when I am done."


Tessa practically jumped out of the carriage and nearly ran into the hacienda. A passing glance into the parlor revealed no Marta. She hurried into the kitchen; still no Marta. Where could she have gone? Oh, well, she had more important things occupying her mind at the moment. First, she must make the refreshments she promised Doctor Helm, then she had to freshen up before he arrived.

She had just finished the lemonade, when the sound of the door closing caught her attention. Whirling around she saw her formerly absent friend coming in from the patio. "Marta, you scared the daylights out of me."

"Guilty conscience, Tessa?'' Marta inquired with a chuckle.

"Funny. If had more time I'd laugh."

"Why the hurry?"

"Doctor Helm is going to drop by on his way back from the Aveytia's for some lemonade."

"Did Rosa have the baby?"

"A little boy. Cute as a button." Tessa said as she bustled around the kitchen.

Marta watched the younger woman set to her task at hand. Where had the time gone? Her little girl had blossomed into a beautiful young woman experiencing the heady emotion of love. This wasn't the first time Tessa had fallen in love, but it would prove to be the one that would last a lifetime, if the cards were to be believed.

"Doctor Helm here two days in a row? Surely that is a good omen, eh?"

"From your lips to God's ears, Marta." Her words faded as she went to her room to change.


The afternoon sun burned brightly in the cloudless sky. Robert led Equus from his stall in the Aveytia's stable. He'd given Miguel specific instructions on the care of his wife and baby son. The young man listened intently and assured the doctor Rosa would get all the rest she needed to recover. Miguel had escorted him to the barn, but seemed reluctant to meet the doctor's eyes.

"Is something bothering you, Miguel?"

Miguel's cheeks colored in shame. "Your fee, doctor. I'm afraid we do not have enough to pay you today."

"Don't worry about that now, Miguel, just pay it when you're able." Doctor Helm's words were gentle.

"I promise. As soon as I can," Miguel vowed. "Gracias, Doctor Helm."

As Robert rode across the desert toward Blanco Canyon his mind raged against the injustice of the lives his patients lived. Most were barely able to eek out a decent existence for their families. He hated those people who said money was the root of all evil. Those people, more than likely, had never been poor or done without the basic necessities of life. Hell, the money his father spent on monthly upkeep for his horses was more than the combined income of the whole pueblo for a whole year.

His father would be positively appalled to know that his son treated such a destitute population. It simply wasn't done. He chuckled to himself when he pictured the look on his father's face if he knew most of his son's patients didn't pay. That would surely send the old man to his grave. His light mood took flight when Equus skittered nervously.

"Whoa, boy."

He patted the horse on the neck to calm the beast. The horse tossed his head in protest when Robert tried to spur him ahead. Robert knew that something was amiss; Equus normally obeyed his every command. Nonchalantly, he glanced around the desolate canyon looking for any sign of trouble. An eerie silence had settled over the area; an unnatural feeling crept over his skin. Every instinct he had warned of danger. He was no fool; his gut feeling had never led him astray and now was no time to start doubting it.

He continued to his ride along the base of the canyon, eyes darting back and forth searching for a clue to reason for his unease. His hand snaked inside his coat and felt the short dagger tucked in the back of his pants. The saddlebag contained a pistol he carried for protection and of course, the sword that Don Ricardo had gifted him with as a token of gratitude. While he preferred a life of nonviolence, he also preferred not to be the victim of anyone's aggression, and sleepy little Santa Helena was a times a dangerous place to reside.

The sound of hoof beats thundered off the walls of the canyon, confirming his suspicions of danger. It was probably just the Queen paying him another visit, but instinctively he knew that wasn't the case. Leading Equus behind a boulder, he tied his reins to smaller rock and grabbed his pistol and sword. Nimbly, he scurried up onto an overhanging ledge to wait for his guests.

"Where did he go?" Ernesto shouted to his partner. "He just disappeared!"

"He's a slippery bastard," Rafael retorted as he spun his horse around trying to locate their missing prey.

"There's no way in hell he made it out of the canyon this fast."

The whinny of another horse was heard. Ernesto trotted his horse in the direction of the sound.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"

Rafael grinned wickedly. "He ain't gone far if his horse is still here, Ernesto."

Robert cursed silently. They had found Equus and it was only a matter of time before they found his hiding place. The question of the day was who they were and who had set them. Ah, well, it'd serve him better to confront them at his discretion than waiting here like a sitting duck.

Knowing the element of surprise only lasted so long, he quickly formulated a plan. He sat unmoving for a minute or two, collecting his thoughts. It bloody well pissed him off that someone had put him in this situation. Years of experience told him his anger served only as a hindrance. A calm head would win the day.

Taking a few steadying breaths, Robert rose to his feet. He hoped this would work. Clearing his throat loudly, he casually called out. "Looking for me?"

"Son of a bitch!"

"There's no need to drag my mother into this, gentlemen."

"Get him!"

Having nowhere else to go, Robert waited for them to come him. Two against one. He had faced worse odds than this; still he knew he had to take one out of commission immediately or his life was in serious danger. His hand settled onto the hilt of his dagger, knowing it was too close quarters to use his sword. He hoped his aim was true and he knew it would be deadly accurate as always. Damn the person responsible for this!

The two men joined Robert on the ledge. They carefully began to approach him confident they had him overpowered. Capitan Grisham's plan had worked perfectly. Soon they would be enjoying the fruits of their labors.

"It's not too late to just walk away," Robert warned. "Today isn't a day for dying."

Rafael prodded Ernesto in the ribs. "Hear that, Ernesto? He's got himself a sense of humor."

"The only one here in danger of dying is you, Doctor." Ernesto threatened.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Before the words left his mouth, the dagger was buried to the hilt in Rafael's chest, knocking the man the short distance to the canyon floor. Aiming his gun at the solitary bandit, Robert Helm, former trained killer, bit out "Care to join your amigo?"


It was almost time. That thought was foremost in the mind of Captain Grisham as he went about his daily duties. His men wondered at his almost cheerful disposition. Instead of the grueling drills of the last few days, he'd sent them home or to their quarters early for the evening. Strange though it seemed, no one was willing to question the Captain's newfound generosity.

Ernesto had promised he and Rafael would have Doctor Helm waiting in Blanco Canyon for his arrival by late afternoon. Rafael was to act messenger, riding hell bent for leather into town informing the citizens of the Doctor's capture by bandits. The Queen surely would hear and ride to his rescue.

The sitting sun served as a reminder of his 'appointment'. Why hadn't Rafael ridden in with the 'news'? Obviously, something had gone wrong and now he'd have to fix it. Panic rising in his throat, he squelched the desire to run to the stables; instead his pace was dignified as rushed to his horse.


"What time is it, Marta?"

"Five minutes later than the last time you asked."

"Where is he?"

"Perhaps he is running later than he expected," Marta offered.

"Or maybe he came to senses and decided not to come," Tessa whined.

"If Doctor Helm said he was going to stop by he will. He's a man of his word."

The mantle clock chimed out the passing of another hour. Tessa stood by the window, searching the horizon for any trace of Doctor Helm. Marta came to stand beside her.

"You are worried?"

Tessa nodded her head.

"Then go find him."

Those four words were all the encouragement she needed. Racing to the cellar where her Queen garb waited, Tessa quickly changed her clothes. Pausing only long enough for Marta's supportive embrace, she made her way to the stables where Chico waited.


Robert grimly stared at the bruised and bloodied man kneeling on the ground in front of him. It hadn't taken long to pry the information out of him. Ernesto had come at him, with a dagger of his own, after his partner had fallen to the doctor's knife. A scuffle had ensued, knocking the gun from Helm's hand, leaving them both worse for wear. The fight end abruptly when Robert wrested the knife from the other man.

Remembering all to vividly the doctor's skill with a knife. Falling to his knees, he pled for mercy. What did matter if he told the doctor of Captain Grisham's plan? If Helm didn't kill him where he knelt, he was positive Grisham was up to the task. So the words poured forth like a mountain stream, although they didn't have a cooling effect on Helm's flaring temper.

"I don't appreciate being your target," Helm growled. "You are free to go, but let me warn you…if I ever see your face here again I will kill you where you stand, got it?"

The terrified man swallowed hard and nodded. After his misadventures in Santa Helena, he never wanted set foot in that God forsaken town again. Helm jerked Ernesto to his feet and pushed him toward his mount.

"Leave your weapons."

Ernesto reached in his saddlebag and carefully tossed his remaining gun and knife to the ground.

"Now, get the hell out of here before I change my mind."

Without a moment's hesitation Ernesto kicked the horse into a gallop and rode in the opposite direction of the small town. That settled, Robert waited for the evening's next guest.


The closer Grisham got to the appointed rendezvous the more his nerves frazzled. He was unable to ignore the nagging feeling of failure that chewed at his insides. No matter how much he tried to reassure himself he knew all had not gone according to plan.

Riding his horse into the canyon, he saw a sight that chilled him to the core. Rafael's dead body lay face up in the dirt, limbs askew from the fall and a dagger protruding from his chest. The wind was knocked completely out of his sails when he spied Doctor Helm's tall frame sprawled casually across a large boulder, a sword resting in his hand.

"It seems Montoya's little lap dog has teeth," Helm called cheerfully as Grisham rode closer to his perch on the rock.

Grisham dismounted his horse and pulled his sword from its scabbard. Closing the distance, the captain challenged, "This dog's bite is definitely worse than his bark."

"We'll see," Helm allowed, "but I've seen many a dog run home with its tail between its legs."

Grisham made a running lunge at the doctor, who sidestepped the angry assault. Helm hefted his newly acquired sword and tested its balance in his hand. He really must thank Don Ricardo for his fine gift the next time he saw the man.

Not waiting for Grisham to start another attack, he launched one of his own. His blade cut through the fabric of the captain's uniform slicing a thin line across the man's stomach. Grisham winced in pain and used his free arm to staunch the bloodflow. Never above fighting dirty, Grisham used his foot to place a well aimed kick to Helm's right knee. The move caused Helm to nearly loose his balance and fall to the ground.

Back and forth battle raged, both men warriors at heart. Grisham was amazed by Helm's apparent skill with the blade. Who'd have thought the doctor had it in him? As bad as he hated to admit it, Grisham was getting tired. Helm hardly seemed winded. The captain knew he had to make his move soon or he'd wind up on the wrong end of Helm's sword.

The sound of an approaching rider provided the distraction he needed. When Helm looked away for a split second, he slammed his fist into the center of his opponent's face. The force of the blow sent Helm to his hands and knees and his sword careening across the canyon floor. Grisham raised his saber over head in preparation for the killing blow.

The crack of a whip filled the air with the sound of thunder. "Now, now, Captain. I hate it when people don't play fair." The whip tangled around the blade and pulled it free from Grisham's grasp. Seeing the doctor had scrambled to his feet, the Queen. "It's your fight, Doctor."

With a nod to the Queen, Robert wiped the blood that streamed down his face. "Thank you, highness." Addressing his antagonist, "Come on, Grisham. Let's finish this."

Shedding his jacket, Grisham smirked. "My pleasure, Doc. I've been waiting a long time to kick your British ass."

Tossing his own duster to the ground, Helm returned the smirk. "Excuse me, Captain, I believe the word would be arse or bum."

Tessa wasn't able to stifle a giggle at the doctor's remark. Both men glared at the Queen's outburst. Raising her hand to her heart, she apologized. "Sorry for interrupting. By all means, please continue."

Tessa watched the two men trading punches. She had ridden up in time to see the swordplay between Robert and Grisham. She had watched Robert in fascination; he moved with feline grace and ruthless precision. His style reminded her of her sword master in Madrid. This was a man who knew how to use a weapon. Just one more mystery surrounding the handsome doctor.

The fight seemed to last forever. Since Grisham had decided to play dirty, Helm was more than happy to return the favor. After landing several good hits, Helm dealt Grisham a blow to the stomach that knocked the wind right out of him. A final cuff to the side of the head sent him spiraling into ignorant oblivion.

"Bravo, Doctor Helm!"

Robert bowed rather stiffly in her direction.

"Are you alright?"

"Nothing a little soap and water and good night's rest won't cure." He walked over to where his sword rested in the dirt. Bending carefully, he retrieved the weapon and started towards Equus.

"I can ride back to town. I mean, its not like Grisham is going to see me there."

Robert laughed. "That did feel good. Thank you for the offer, but I promised someone I would drop by before I headed home and I'm already late. I trust I'll see you soon?"

"Good evening, Doctor," the Queen called as she rode off into the night.

Tessa took every shortcut she knew on the ride home. It wouldn't be good idea for her not to be there when Robert arrived.


"It was incredible, Marta. He handled the blade like a master." Tessa informed her as the gypsy woman helped her perform her quick changer act. "Then he proceeded to beat the stuffing out of Captain Grisham. A marvelous way to spend the evening for sure."

Marta laughed at her friend's description of the night's festivities. "That I would have loved to see." A serious look came to rest on the older woman's face. "Did Doctor Helm mention why he and the captain were fighting?"

"No, there wasn't time."

A knock at the door ended any other questions Marta might have asked. Tessa opened the door to a battered and bleeding Doctor Helm.

"Sorry, I'm late. I've been a little busy."

"Robert, what happened?" Worry laced every word.

"Let's suffice it to say someone wanted my head on a platter, so to speak, and I refuse to give it to them."

"Marta, get some soap and water and some bandages." Tessa led Robert to a soft chair. "What does the other guy look like?"

"Like he picked a fight with the wrong guy," Robert responded with a laugh and a wince. "Ow! That hurt."

Marta returned with the requested supplies. Tessa soaked a clean rag in the soapy water and began to clean the blood from his face. Gently she scrubbed the dried blood from his cheek and around his mouth. She accidentally bumped the bridge of nose, which brought him up off his seat with a yelp of pain.

"I think it's broken," he diagnosed when the searing red hot pain diminished into dull, aching throb.

"A broken nose, split lip, scrapes, and bruises," Tessa cataloged. "Did I miss anything?"

Robert gingerly felt his chest. "Add a couple of cracked ribs to the list."

Marta was mixing a poultice to put on his wounds. "Tessa, go get one of the old sheets. We can rip it up in strips to bind the doctor's ribs. Look in one of the chests and get one of your father's old shirts for him to wear home."

Robert grabbed Marta's hand. "Have you ever set a broken nose, Marta?"

"I had several rowdy brothers and cousins, Doctor Helm. This will be a piece of cake."

"Well, let's get it over before Tessa returns. I prefer she didn't watch it."

"I will be gentle," Marta consoled.

"Just be quick."

Robert's hands dug into the upholstered chair arms and as Marta coaxed his nose back into proper alignment. His eyes closed as he waited for the nausea to pass. That wasn't so bad, Robert, not bad at all. He tried to stand, but the room spun wildly in two different directions. Well, maybe he was wrong.

"You might want to sit back down, Doctor." Marta observed.

"Right." He sank back onto the chair.

"Here is the sheet and shirt," Tessa passed the sheet and scissors to Marta. "Robert, you look like you could use a drink."

"How about a glass of that lemonade that you promised?"

While Tessa went for refreshments, Marta wrapped up the doctor's ribs with the soft cotton strips. Tying the final strip, she stepped back and admired her work. "How does that feel?"

"Like I'm a trussed up Christmas goose." He noted wryly. "Seriously though, it does help."

Tessa handed him the requested glass of lemonade. Thirsty from his long day, he took a big gulp of the sweet liquid and almost immediately spat it out.

"Bloody hell!"

"Marta's lemonade is better than mine, but I didn't think it was that bad."

"The lemon juice burns!"

"Oops! Let me get you some water," Tessa offered.

Marta stopped her. "I will get it. You sit and rest."

"I'm sorry, Robert."

Robert touched her hand. "No, I should've known better."

Tessa giggled. "This has been a very interesting evening."

"You could say that. I always strive to be entertaining."

After Robert convinced Tessa and Marta he would survive, he replaced his torn shirt with the one Tessa retrieved for him. "Thank you, ladies, for your hospitality, but I must be going. It's been a long day and I'm ready for some sleep."

Tessa tried to persuade him to let one of the stable hands drive him home in her buggy. He just laughed and cryptically told her he had survived worse and made it home in one piece. He offered his thanks to Marta and wished her goodnight. Tessa grabbed her shawl and walked outside with him.

"Be careful, Robert."

He leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. "Always, Tessa."

Tessa watched him ride away. Two kisses in two days. She looked up to the stars and offered a quick prayer of thanks. Life kept getting better and better.


Robert eased in between the sheets. This had certainly been a day to remember. He could have easily killed Grisham. He didn't think the Queen would have stopped him, but his killing Grisham would have brought the wrath of Montoya down on his head and that was one thing Robert didn't need. Grisham maybe an idiot but he was Montoya's idiot.

He knew it wasn't over between him and the captain, but now Grisham realized he wasn't an easy target. Maybe the man would just let it go, more than likely he would be like a dog with a bone. Anyway he'd watch his back from now on. Life suddenly got more interesting. Too tired to think about it any longer, he drifted off into exhausted slumber.


"Capitan!" A loud voice exploded into Grisham's ear, followed by a boot in the ribs.

Grisham managed to get to his feet. Where was he? This wasn't his bed or his house. All around him was dirt and rocks and the blinding morning sunshine. Suddenly it all came rushing back: the fight, Doctor Helm, and the Queen. So who was yelling at him?

"I find sleeping under the stars so uncivilized, don't you, Capitan?"

Shit! There was no mistaking that voice. Montoya. The man wasn't supposed to be back until next week. Of all the people to find him, it had to be him. He briefly wondered where he had left his gun.

"Colonel Montoya, I, uh, um…"

Montoya held up a gloved hand for silence. "Neither do I want to know nor do I care why you are lying like a dead animal on the side of the road. Get in the carriage, unless you prefer to walk back to Santa Helena."

Grudgingly, Grisham followed Montoya back to his carriage. He sat in angry silence while the Colonel rambled on about his meeting with the viceroy. It wasn't over between him and the doc, not by a long shot. He plotted all manner of revenge on his adversary. Life suddenly had new meaning.